I see a lot of people whining about how the boss battles deviate from freedom of choice and forces you to use guns and be aggressive. Apparently they haven't watched the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NToxyDZKuMM
Darwin said it's not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. You may have played the game on stealth mode but if you can't adapt to the situation at hand you won't survive. You can whine all you want but things change in life whether you like it or not.
This game has taught me a life lesson that being adaptive is very important for survival.
Having the boss battles deviate is a good design in that it forces the player to "adapt" rather than have the freedom to do the same play$tyle. A boss battle would be so lame if you can just defeat him/her with you hiding then shoot then repeat the process. There woudln't be much challenge. doing stealth against a boss is not a good design because unlike levels where you're dealing with cameras, turrets, robots and many enemies, in a boss battle, you're only dealing with one person, the boss.
I disagree. I do think that the Boss battles were the biggest flaws of the game. I do think that the game under-delivered in those situations.
The Boss battles didn't so much deviate as they restricted options and alternative approaches. All other aspects of the game offers diverse approaches to solving your problems, the boss battles offers about as much choices as a boss battle in Doom, Quake or Halo. You shoot the thing until it stops attacking you. I felt that it was a major letdown by the developers to not leverage all of the other game systems.
Why didn't the game allow players to use hacking as a means to aid them in combat (hack consoles to engage and use turrets to help you in the fights, hack turrets to remote disable powers and abilities). Allow the player a way to use dialog to aid them. Convince the AI in the second battle to aid the player in various ways by presenting a logical argument for the AI to side with the player. Why not allow the player a chance to make a boss doubt him or her self. Just like all other aspects of the game, there's hundreds of ways that the developers could have allowed the player a great degree of freedom in how they wished to approach this challenge. Instead they failed and the boss battles failed, not only to be memorable, but actually ended up being less interesting and memorable than the non-boss game play.
A good boss battle should force your to use the game mechanics really well, and ideally force you to step outside your comfort zone and challenge you to use all the tools the game has made available to you. These Boss fights didn't do that, instead they simply threw a mob with a big gun and lots of health at you and called it a day.
A boss battle where you can do a lot of things to tackle the boss will not force you to step outside of your comfort zone because you can just talk your way out of the boss battle or hack a robot/turret and bam. You have a choice. But if you mostly played being a hacker and a covert ops and then fight the boss battle in HR, you will be thrown outside of your comfort zone because you have no other choice to deal with the boss but use guns and be aggressive. This will then force you to "adapt". It's not the absence of different ways to tackle the boss that's the real problem. They could have done a more creative design for the boss battle. Maybe like those from MGS games. It's that the bosses aren't that unique.That depends on how those systems were designed. Right now they simply focuses on one narrow aspect of the games gameplay and ignore the rest. Ironically it's all the rest that makes Deus Ex unique and special.There's no reason why hacking couldn't force a hacker to step outside his / hers comfort zone. Hacking under fire, a unique level of difficulty and so on. The point still stands. Boss fights are supposed to be the highlights of games. In Deus Ex they are the opposite, they are the least unique and impressive part of an otherwise exceptional game.
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