I'm one of the very very first pc gamerz, as a kid we had doom,doom2,final doom,quake,half life,counter-strike,soldier of fortune,starcraft,warcraft,quake2,duke nukem, x-wing,tie figher,x-wing vs tie fighter, dark forces,dark forces 2.....
The gaming kinda took a drop, Yes many titles have came out and nailed the charts to be called the best games of all time like
call of duty 1 and 2
half life 2
splinter cell series
gta series
battlefield series
and so on....
I've been looking and theyre all spreaded out in years where in 07-08 so many titles.. I think I personally counted 40 titles I want to actually play. The next gen gaming is just completely awesome how gaming dev's want to make the perfect game and I cant wait. Some titles are...
Crysis (of course no brainer)
Far cry 2 (yes this game is coming, look at the post in this forum on why to be a pc gamer)
MOH Airborne
Metal gear solid 4 (not pc but still games in general)
Assassin Creed
Prince of Persia is coming out with an 4th installment! POP4 this will be awesome!
Project IM (interstellar Marines, this games trailer was completely amazing!)
Quake Wars ET
DOOM Wars ET : John Carmack announced this about 2 weeks ago, wanting to make all of the id games being in some type of ET battlefield would be awesome. My favorite game series of all time.
HL2 Ep2 : This is taking so long cuz theyre making the physics a lot better! I saw the pics and I couldnt believe it was hl2
Kane and Lynch
Call of duty 5... yup, IW already announced they are gonna do a 5th installment.
Call of duty 4( This and bioshock,crysis, and Project Im are on my most wanted list!)
Battlefield bad company
star wars battlefront 3
battlefield 3 (With BC using the frostbite engine, EA having usage of the crysis engine I dont see how there wouldnt be a new bf game for the series.)
Brothers In Arms HH (amazing series, one problem im spoiled with the new technology.) I had a hard time adapting to the current gen engines.
Madden 08 or Nlf 2k8.. hopefully EA will get their sh it together and actually compete instead of knowing they wona nd ripping ppl off.
NCAA 08 FB... supposely the stadiums are all done now!
Lost Planet. I dunno why but I really would love to play this game.
Dead rising 2. I never had the pleasure to actually beat this game, It's hard to aim in that game with the bosses being really lol hard. It's still a great game.
Resident Evil 5 (huge resident evil fan) (I would love to see 1 - 3 remade on the xbox 360 or pc or ps3)
Gears of war ( not quite the halo killer but im excited to play this on the pc )
Halo 2.. Honestly I couldnt get past the 5th level.. no I didnt suck. it was so hard to actually stay interested with a console controller.
Counter-strike 3. Theyre making another counterstrike but for the 360 and this means another condition zero somewhat game will come.
GTA 4... I loved 1,2,3,vc and this should be amazing running on the hl2 engine.
Prey 2. Prey sold 2 mill, I loved the game. I loved the graphics and the feel but having lifeform weapons was kool and strange at the sametime.
Starcraft 2.. The dev's kept giving hints like " I wanna see SC to have sequel before a 10 year mark", Even still.. SC is still aamzing, sadly I dont get to play anymore but it was god like in 99-02 for me
Alone in the dark 5
Devil May cry 4
Halo 3.. Not a big fan but most of the 360 population will buy.
Spinter cell end war or something like that.. I have no idea but I think its splinter cell 5 or 6.
They re so many titles coming out that I actually listed that im interested in. I honestly think this could be the biggest the biggest 1-3 years of gaming ever! I swear when doom3,half life 2,and halo 2 came out many dev's held back to use these engines.
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