SEGA yesterday announced that Creative Assembly, the developer responsible for the seminal Total War series, is developing a science fiction RTS for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Although there is no mention of a PC version in the announcement, both Shacknews and Wikipedia mention a PC version.
Although this won't be CA's first non-PC game, it is their first multiplatform RTS, and it marks an interesting depature from the Total War series in both gameplay styIe and in theme. From the game's SEGA site:
• Lead from the front - Control units and issue commands while viewing the battle from the 3rd-person POV of any unit on the battlefield. The 3rd-person camera offers unprecedented immersion in the game world and presents warfare in a more visceral, emotional, and epic manner than ever before.
• The first fully 3D RTS - Gone are the flat levels of traditional strategy games. Engage in warfare on battlefields comprised of sprawling cities and towering skyscrapers that let you play in a truly 3D environment
• Revolutionary Console RTS Features - Groundbreaking control method for quick and intuitive controls. 'Tactical Playbook' which gives players all the strategic choice they get from a traditional RTS, but with the simplicity and accessibility of a playbook
• Advanced Multiplayer Features - Multiplayer modes feature "join anytime" functionality, previously only seen on First Person Shooters and a breakthrough for console strategy titles.
Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly depending on your cynicism), the details strongly indicate that the game is aimed primarily at the console audience. CA's Australian studio is working on it, rather than the British studio largely responsible for the TW series, so this hopefully won't be Total War's death warrant, but it seems like yet another of the PC's greatest developers has not only turned to multiplatform development, but is putting the consoles first - and in the RTS genre of all things?
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