Hey guys, just made this video by compiling some funny moments my bro and i had playing Crysis :)
Hope you enjoy :)
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thanks chaps. The rocket even after launched is laser guided, so it'll follow the mouse as you move it and land where you aim the rocket. Similar to the rocket of HL2GenTom
I love shooting my missiles straight up and letting them go up for a while, then looking down and aiming at a far off target. Looks like a Javelin missile coming down on a tank.
Something I like to do in the editor is enable unlimited ammo, and fire off like fifteen or twenty missiles straight up. Wait until they're all circling around at the top of the skybox, then look down and aim at your target. Several seconds later...
Target neutralized. :lol:
lol thanks guys didn't expect such positive praise, my team mate was my bro... all we did was mess around *yeah the music lol* in some multiplayer matches. Appreciate the comments :)GenTom
The first scene is my favorite part
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