Hey guys, I'm thinking of buying Crysis. Why? Well, any PC gamer already knows why ;). So, the question is, how far can I push the graphics on my rig? Here it is:
Intel Media Motherboard (a generic one, I don't remember what kind it is exactly)
Thermaltake 750W PSU
nVIDIA GeForce 8800GT Superclocked
Pentium Core2 Quad
A-Data DDR2 800GHz 4GB RAM
Seagate 500GB SATA HD
Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit
Now I don't neccessarily want everything on very high plus max AA, because you would need special Russian black-ops tech for that. But what I would like to know is: what's the max settings I could get away with using this rig? Maybe I could max out with High? Medium? Do I need to switch out my mobo for an nForce and SLI another 8800GT? (by the way I can't afford that right now, but I'm considering doing it next year perhaps).
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