Alright ive seen these kind of debates since Crysis has released, while I am NOT one of those people that claim its nothing more than a flashy tech demo, I am one of the players that see it as nothing more than any other FPS on the market, and I do believe that alot of its prestige and critic score is heavily based on its technical feats as apposed to its gameplay.
The way I see it is, there are 2 kinds of people that play this game and look at it in 2 very dinstinct ways (other variations apply but the main 2 Im refering to.)
A) Those of you that claim this game is more tactical than most FPS games, and use that as an excuse to its score, and claim that its brilliant. You are the kind of people that are 100% relying on your imagination to get into this game. You are the kind that mayaswell be pretending to be a sexual predator on Grand Theft Auto, finding a female NPC alone at night picking her up and driving her off a cliff... you know... the stereotyped aspect of GTA .... you roleplay these outcomes even though there is no benefit to the player or any relevance to the games motivation.
B) The other ones are us... the ones that think its a typical shooter... with no more depth than Bioshock, Half-Life 2 (at least thats my view) as both of them have physic based help and some whacky weapons/powers... but are alittle more closed off. Type A will claim that we lack tactical play, that we play it as a regular shooter, and we dont make good use of the powers....
As Type B I would like to explain why I or possible WE look at it this way:
Lets look at the amazing powers....
STRENGTH - Double Jump, 1 shot melee, improved aiming - Whats special about this? Throwing Items at people and jumping high?
SPEED - Enhanced Speed, Super Speed - Base Speed difference isnt much, burst speed lasts no time at all.
STEALTH - Invisibility - Useful for initiation or escape... nothing else.
ARMOUR - Default, Energy Regain. Standard form.
So I ask you, other than a few feeble ambushes.... from this bland open nothingness, that is no more of a sandbox than RPG games such as Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines.... which has more stealth and more ways of taking people down than Crysis... IRONICALLY.
There is nothing tactical about Crysis, the AI on highest is not that great. its far more efficient to go around shooting everything like in any other shooter, theres no tactical advantage to the powers over any other shooter on the market.
If you believe I'm wrong, then explain or link/show some proof of these powers made useful and fun.
And I'm not talking about pre-school crap like lobbing a barrel at someone... I can do that with a gravity gun... in a much cooler way. I was to see this "Tactical enhanced gameplay thats not present in most other shooters and is a large reason why its scores are so high.". Because as far as anyone outside the rose tinted goggles can see, its multiplayer is awful and dead, the main campaign is absolutely nothing special for any genre and the world itself beyond its technical aspects is boring.... with its ... 5-6 different enemies to boot.
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