So....Basically my FPS is the same at 800x600 resolution and 1680x1050 res with everything on enthusiast. My fps with x2,x4,x8 AA is exactly the same as if it were off.
Is my CPU actually bottlenecking my performance? You can't be serious, every other game and benchmark I run shows everything is fine (and it IS fine).
Is there something i'm missing?
note: The game is patched up to 1.1
-latest video/audio/mobo drivers
4870x2 (810/950),qx6700, 2.66ghz@3.75ghz (1650 QDR + Prolimatech Megahalems push/pull),ocz 700W Gamexstream psu,780i SLI A1 mobo ("Meh" OC'ing board + volt modded),4 gigs ddr2 @825mhz (tightened timings),Windows 7 x64,Samsung 22.6" monitor 1680x1050
Edit: Forgot to add that I get an unplayable 15-25 FPS and crossfire is enabled and apparently working.
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