hi guys, im having problem with my css again.. i posted here but it still not working as i wanted... i used the advanced options in steam(on css), edited the dxlevel(in case i wrote 90) i use dx 10, but as css doesnt support it and shows software dxlevel 10, i put 90. Results: my hardware dxlvl = 0.0/ my software dxlvl = 9.0c and everytime i enter on the game the video options reset. i already cleared the dxlvl from the launch options and it still not working. plus i just dont understand why the video options reset my shader to low options if my system requeriments* says that my pc supports high; if some1 can help i would be grateful
there are tons of people with that problem, and no 100% solution to it. Frenzyd109
The problem I see here is why do people do something they don't fully understand? or why do they change such settings, except if their PC isn't good enough and they need to change it to DX8 or w/e the limit is for CS/HL2 etc.
Have you tried uninstalling it (I know you did this) and made sure there isn't a single file that is related to CS that you didn't delete? If you still can't find the problem, delete Steam, delete the Steam folder if you still have files left and run Ccleaner.
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