Hi guys,
Could you please answer some questions for me?
I've never played a FPS online before. I played HalfLife 2 at my cousins a while back and really liked the gameplay/graphics and audio.
1. I've been doing some research and it seems CSS (counter strike: source) is the 1 online fps game I *should* like as its style is very close to HL2? Would you agree?
2. I understand Valve has an online game distribution system called STEAM. If I buy CSS, will steam have to be installed on my machine?
3. Is steam very cpu/ram intensive?
How many processes does it add to task manager? - what about when I am not gaming (can i terminate the processes)?
(I'm really anal about applications adding processes to taskmgr. Bought a mouse a few days ago, which added 3 processes to task manager and i've only just learnt to accept it. stupid, i know.)
4. Can I simply start the game up, click on 'connect' or something like that and then join a game/server (sorry for the bad techno speak) and start palying immediately ?
5. I have a basic graphics card with separate 256mb memory, 2GB ram and a 2.13GHzC2Duo chip. The telephone company says my internet speed is 2MB/s. I know that's not true. What I do know is that, if I've got a good connection (for example for windows updates)I can d/l ata maximum of 350-400kb/s. Are these specs okay?
6. As a newb, I'm not going to be a great online player to start with. I hear that in CSS you have to wait for a round to end before you can start playing again. Is this correct and will it become frustrating if I keep dieing?
7. I'd like to kill other players rather than solve puzzles/or capture flags. Is CSSgoodfor this?
8. Would you recommend other online games that are easy/easier to set up and connect? I was thinking of going for America's Army or perhaps COD2. I like COD2's graphics over COD. Although I hear COD2's maps are tiny?? argggh!One final thing that may put me off is that when i was researching CSS, i read that you have to 'virtually' buy weapons... I'd kinda like to pick up/experience different types of weapons as I go along. kinda like, if my memory serves me correct, quake arena???
Thank you very much
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