legend of grimrock
wizardry series is pretty faithful to that sort of game though not directly D&D related
dragon age: origins has a NWN mod i believe in the works (or had 1 rather).
Neither wizardry nor grimrock are really D&D. Neither is dragon age (dunno about that mod, but the way everything is implemented in DA it's as far from D&D as you can get without making the game a first person shooter).
Some D&D-based games for the OP:
Baldur's gate and Baldur's gate 2 (+ expansion). Personally i found BG1 boring as hell but BG2 is awesome and you should play it if you already haven't. It's based on some old D&D ruleset, 2 or 2.5 or something. It even has that thac0 thing as a stat and lower armor class means more defense.
Icewind dale and Icewind dale 2. Very similar games to BG, but they are based on a newer ruleset IIRC.
Temple of elemental evil - one of the very rare turn-based D&D games (all others I mentioned so far are real time with pause). Very good combat system (probably best i've seen in a D&D computer game) but the game itself just screams "underdeveloped" - very little content, very short. I've heard there are some nice mods for it tho.
I don't know for certain but i think Pool of radiance games are directly based on D&D. I've only played ruins of myth drannor, but long ago so i've forgotten everything about it. All i remember that it was D&D and turn-based too but for some reason I didn't like it much.
Neverwinter nights 1 is sort of an inbred bastard child of D&D games. Very butchered implementation of D&D rules (you control only 1 character and 1 AI henchman and it plays more like Diablo than a proper D&D game). nevertheless, it can be pretty fun, and yes you can shoot melf's acid arrow at people. it also has multiplayer and a ton of mods, so you can play it with friends like a tabletop game.
Neverwinter nights 2 is closer to games like BG and IWD than the 1st NWN. Made by a company notorious for incredibly buggy games and horrible optimization. i think it's a step up from the first NWN, so play it.
that should be enough for the beggining
EDIT: oh right, i forgot Planescape: Torment, but that game may be a little different than what you are looking for. it's based on D&D, but has a lot of things that differ from it. it's mostly about story, quests and interactions with NPCS and using skill checks in dialogues. killing monsters makes up about 5% of the game. and the spells in the game are mostly unique and not directly taken from tabletop D&D. this game is kind of like a cross-breed between D&D and final fantasy except, unlike FF, it doesn't suck
oh im not saying their even tied to that franchise. im not that flat headed. but D&D has at its core been a game about stats and character sheets and turn oriented combat. wizardy happens to do all of that quite nicely actually. a game doesnt need to be tied to a franchise in order to be at its core a similar game
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