There are a whole bunch of new races they could add:
* Abhumans: descendants of humans, modified in various ways by mutation and the environmental conditions on the planets on which they have evolved. Includes:
* Beastmen: a human sub-species characterised by bestial features, normally heads and legs. * Ogryn: a human sub-species characterised by larger muscles and smaller brains.
* Ratlings: a sub-species of human who are short and specialize in sniping.
* Squats: a race of short humanoids who are believed to have been destroyed by the Tyranids. * Barghesi: aggressive race near the Grendl stars. No other data is known.
* Caradochian: winged race often appearing as mercenaries.
* Chuffian: use a characteristic Power Maul weapon. No other data is known.
* C'tan: the race worshipped by the Necrons.
* Demiurg: a race of short humanoids, allied with the Tau. May or may not be related to Squats.
* Daemon: foul creatures made entirely of warp material. The favourite servants of the Chaos Gods.
* Drugh: large larval invertebrates with advanced psionic capability. Stem from the world of Pyrus I.
* Enslavers: parasitical warp-based lifeforms that look for psychic hosts to transform into living warp portals.
* Galg: green, scaled, frog-like creatures rumoured to be Tau-allies.
* Galthite: xenos from the Oenorian Inner Systems.
* Hrud: a rodent-like species.
* Jokaero: resemble orangutans. They are famous for their instinctive technical brilliance.
* Kathap: a race using what appears to be organic weaponry.
* Khrave: alien mind-eaters.
* K'Nib: described as "festering clawed fiends", have 10 limbs.
* Lacrymole: a race of shapeshifters.
* Loxatl: amphibian quadrupeds who communicate through infrasound. Grey-skinned and foul-smelling. They are known to smell like rancid milk and mint.
* Nicassar: a psychic race allied with the Tau.
* Necrontyr: the race that became the Necrons.
* Nekulli: little known about the Nekulli race, apart from their Whisperlance technology.
* Old Ones: an ancient race who fought the C'tan.
* Psy-Gore: from Perseus; makers of crystalline firearms.
* Q'Orl : an insectoid species, whose empire is centred on the swarmworld of Loqiit.
* Scythian: martial species devoted to the art of combat.
* Slann: an ancient reptilian species, connected to the Old Ones.
* Tallerian: reptiloid mercenary allies of the Tau.
* Thyrrus : a squid-like race with colour changing skin.
* Umbra : a species of floating spheres with a hard, black carapace.
* Viskeon: huge muscled humanoid creatures, when part of their body is cut off, a fetus forms from it, feeding off its nutrients to eventually become a fully formed Viskeon.
* Xenarch : an isolationist, warp-worshipping species from the Galactic north.
* Zoat: large, strange, centaur-like creatures that were conquered by the Tyranids. The Zoats were used as a slave race for the hive mind and its followers, and many revolts by the zoats (brutally put down by the Tyranids) led to the near extinction of their race. Eradicated by the Imperium upon their arrival in human space.
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