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You may have another problem...
The X58 motherboards use 3 slots of DDR3 at a time. So your 2X1gb configuration will not work.
Is there a reason why you need to get an i7? I'm curious because I have the feeling you are mainly a gamer and for the most part, your E processor should be pretty good for most current games.
You may have another problem...
The X58 motherboards use 3 slots of DDR3 at a time. So your 2X1gb configuration will not work.
Is there a reason why you need to get an i7? I'm curious because I have the feeling you are mainly a gamer and for the most part, your E processor should be pretty good for most current games.
790i isn't compatible with Intel latest CPU's, so i don't know where u got the idea that he want's to get i7.
To TC: I wouldn't get something so expensive based on LGA775 now. Either get i7 + X58 mobo, something cheaper for your E8400, or keep what u currently have.
so if i shouldn't get the 790i ultra, and there is no way in heaven or earth I'll be able to afford, new CPU, new ram and new mobo, so what other board would you suggest i should get, and if i was to pick up a new i7 compatible mobo, where could i find it?, newegg and tigerdirect hardly acknowledge their existence:(wolfdogelite
[QUOTE="wolfdogelite"]so if i shouldn't get the 790i ultra, and there is no way in heaven or earth I'll be able to afford, new CPU, new ram and new mobo, so what other board would you suggest i should get, and if i was to pick up a new i7 compatible mobo, where could i find it?, newegg and tigerdirect hardly acknowledge their existence:(marcthpro
well idk if it is stronger, but i know it has great potential, and thats why i want to get a stronger mobo, because my 680i is barely compatible with this cpu and has a max fsb of 1333, which is nothing to laugh at but i think i could get a lot more out this cpu, and it would be easier to do on a newer board, especially one with the oversixed heatsinks on the nb and sb as well as the ability to tri sli, which i may be doing, christmas is right around the corner:D
not too mention that the 790i ultra supports big time ram overclocking, and a fsb max of 1600, gives me a little bit more room to work with, but if i can get the x58 intel board for the same price i'll have to consider it. but again, idk who carries them or when they will be available or what.
[QUOTE="zero3one"]You may have another problem...
The X58 motherboards use 3 slots of DDR3 at a time. So your 2X1gb configuration will not work.
Is there a reason why you need to get an i7? I'm curious because I have the feeling you are mainly a gamer and for the most part, your E processor should be pretty good for most current games.
790i isn't compatible with Intel latest CPU's, so i don't know where u got the idea that he want's to get i7.
To TC: I wouldn't get something so expensive based on LGA775 now. Either get i7 + X58 mobo, something cheaper for your E8400, or keep what u currently have.
Wow, I don't know where I got that from either. Man, I gotta stop drinking alone while I'm on the computer... ;)
this is really getting annoying, i have looked every where, even on intel's website, i cant find anything about these new motherboards, x58 right?
man this is weird, i know they're out there, but everywhere i look i get a big fat goose egg
Did you even watch my review ? that show how CORE i7 ARE LESS GAMER THEN E8400 DID YOU !?
Yes you can pick 790i but if you do pick the EVGA 790i FTW ediiton if you want to tri-sli but if i was you
in 2009 Q1 HD5870 will go out and will be much much stronger then 280GTX Overclocked with water cooling
for around 280$US rumour say. perhap amybe 350$ At launch
X58 ddin't lauch all yet From asus / foxcmo ect and id recommand not go X58 Before 2010 Even tough the motherboard would be compatiblti eto 1336 LGA SOCKET 33nm Shrink for Wesmtere 6 Core Each 2 Tread core 3.6Ghz instead of Bloomfield 4 core 2.6 to 3.1ghz Each Two Core For Treadmarcthpro
no didn't watch your review, i read it though, and from what i saw, i completely agree with you, i7 are not showing significant increase in game performance, they were measuring the difference in crysis in tenths of a frame, and it was only about .7 frames difference between best and the e8500, which to me, is by no means, grounds to upgrade, which is why i would rather get the 790i, like you said, then in a couple years pick up a (by then) dirt cheap 775 quad and overclock it like no-body's business, and i will still support ddr3, and have room to upgrade to bigger faster or more gpu's
is that right? or did i completely miss the point,
the only thing i was confused about is that everyone is throwing out prices for these new boards, like this 300-350 price range, and i have yet to find any price/performance comparisons, and i really don't understand why not one of the i7 boards supports tri sli??! its been done, and on a cheaper board too!
thats pretty much my point, i saw the far cry2 benchmark and i thought well, that sums it up, stock e8500 cpu, is just keeping up with these, so im not too worried about it, but thanks for the link that helped to clear things up, but i still have that question about the ram haha,
im going from 4gigs ddr2, to 2 gigs ddr3, do you think i will see any big performance decrease?
unless ur playing far cry 2 & newest . yes ud see perofmrances Decrease over DDR2 800mhz
because 4GB is Essential to Loading time & Task Swithcing and minimum fps. but the most notable thing would be minimum fps
it not a big deal to be honest and for DDr3 ? What is ur motherboard ur getting to run it at DDr3 790i FTW From EVGA ? i hope so
it the best on the market for Tri-sli Or X48 DDr3 Based From ati ? Also The DDr3. I would like the know the spec
Like The Ram module name (OCZ / Corsair) Speed & CAS Latency if possible
marcthpro, i saw the specs on your rig, very nice, you say you have 2 gigs of ddr3 and iwas wondereing how that was working for you?
so i want to pick up this
790i sli ultra evga, bombsky
and these, i have the ddr2 equivilant and they kick a** and take names, but unfortunatley i can only afford 2 gigs, stuffs expensive
i want these goodies because i am getting a second one of these for christmas
and my friend wants to overclock the sh*t out of my cpu, but he said he would wait until i get my new board
well the goofy thing is, look close at the specs, the 790i ultra can only support two cards in pcie x16 2.0 slots, the third is only a x16 1.0 slot??? why??
but i checked it a couple times and it definately says that and the ftw edition supports three gpu's in pcie 2.0 x16, dont know why they would do that, but hey the ftw is actually cheaper, so yay.
it doesnt say it in the product description but it says it in red under the name
Domke13 Great worhshiper of premature Core i7 ? Do you got any proof of Intel core 965 ? 999$ + 4GB OF good Quality ram + 3 280GTX defeating a E8500 4.3ghz overclcoked with 3 280GTX + Good Qualtiy DDr3 ? I want a proof that it doiing even. a little 3fps higher then e8500 4.3ghz or Equality if you can't show benchmark then it not true word are sharp as razor even i know it i'm not bashing what picture haven't sharpen already a picture worth 1000 words it why i said what i saw on several Webiste most of review of other webiste just compared E8400 / Q9550 not overclocked common ? you lose a BIg 15fps without overclockingmarcthproI would avoid comparing ovrclocked cpu's, since overclocking is relative as it can be, an since you are saying how you know stuff about computers/electricity(which i doubt, really), you should know that. Are games your only interset regarding computer's? And sorry for spelling mistakes, i'm writting this from my phone. Oh btw. Seeing you thinking that bit-tech overclocked i7's to 6.4ghz, tells me enough about the range of your i7 knowledge.
unless ur playing far cry 2 & newest . yes ud see perofmrances Decrease over DDR2 800mhzmarcthpro
Ahh far cry 2 >.>
domke13 i told you it not my only interests i did mention it do great job in Workstation if you could read previous post
but That It not meaning for gaming machine yet it as to be upgraded in 2010 It not my fault if intel goes that way
at last amd will take that weakness ad advantage to make there am3 possible to be better then premature core i7
so they can sales amd used to sales allot but ever since intel taken there positions there going in a bad way
they keep slacking off people of the job creating homeless people :D or people with low salary employment
sO Core i7 showing to be the best workstation since when high overclocked it did SuperPi or was it pipe ? In 1 second
but if only game saw it that way it could be much more different tough i don't know much the electric processes of a cpu as you mention but i know at last one thing according benchmark it not enough tempting to worth is expensive price compare to the good Epic E8400/E8500/E8600 Series Overclocked to the bone it why id rather not recommend anyone The Core i 920 / 940 which is what people will try to buy as 999$ for a cpu is expensive got that point ? The 920 & 940 is Largly inferrior of 965 overclocked
and the reason seem because they locked the multipliyer not like the Extreme Series the 965 (core Extreme i7)
seen point of view? if they want to lead they will have to releaise Westemre & sandybright with unlocked multipliyer
instead of saying no WE BLOCK you acess to it so you buy our 750$CPU Or 900$CPU !
domke13 i told you it not my only interrest i did mention it do great job in Workstation if you could read previous post
but That It not meaning for gaming machine yet it as to be upgraded in 2010 It not my fault if intel goes that way
at last amd will take that weakness ad advantange to make there am3 possible to be better then premature core i7
so they can sales amd used to sales allot but ever since intel takken there possition there going in a bad way
they keep slacking off people of the job creating homeless people :D or people with low salary employement
sO Core i7 showen to be the best workstaiton since when high overclocekd it did SuperPi or was it pipe ? In 1 secondmarcthpro
Most of your posts regarding i7 are like "Don't get it, it's fail, overclocked E8500 beats it anytime in any game". Your trying to make it look like a bad CPU cause you bring up games everytime.
Because majority of user who pic a pc is for gaming and not working on picture when i did build pc i did only one pc in 41 that was hybrid workstation & gaming all other where game fowarded got that point ? i'm here since spring and yet i did great progress to make peopel do great decission with the union that you'r inside also or was you not ? i don't see you much speaking in the Custum pc build union
When People Seek Gaming. I talk about Gaming if you'r not about gaming just tell me you want to play SLOW on video game
BUT AS A GOOD WORKSTATION machine that do HEAVY DUTY that quad core fall Behind then il tell you That the 920 & 940 worth it
I don't see a real point in speaking with some random guys, for whole day.Â
I'm not random am i ? We speaken before what you'r point does core 920 / 940 does great on most of the newest game ? what clock as it to be put ? and which dDR3 ? + what video card ? i just being telling you there no one i being talking about DDR2 / DDR3 / Video card That Wanted a Slower machine for play on game with lower fps ? Do you get that point ?in most of the review the 920 /940 showed to be 15-20fps behind E8400 Stock speed which is a 160$ CPU working on even a 75$ motherboard&with 2GB of ram for 25$ why do you like nehalem so much ? Are you at unviersity ? do you proclaim it does great work on workstation ? Studying. yes it does.. there no doubt look the Picture part of the review there are several page in most of the review one for gaming fps. another for power consumption another for heat source. another for the Encoding Task
anyway i'm done with this il look more review in few month and seen if game with patch and stuff got upgrade performances
but yet it not so the case compare to Other cpu overclcoked. as the 920 as no choice to be overclcoked to offer simliary performances
I wish only that intel would releases is Westmere by 3-5 month then i would have wiated before build my rig and went 3.6GHZ 6 core 2 treadh core each and being gaming like a monster with it overlcocked around 4.6ghz each core marcthpro
Now where the **** did you see that 920 can't be overclocked?
it does but much less then 965 . bit-tech showed 920 overclcoked still i'm not much impress
like if you compare E6600 to E8600 utplieyer like 9.5X I think for e8600 ? fr overclock or Q660- vs Q9650 vs QX9650 yet i'm trying to understand why 8 core slower then 2 core high clock in most of game when you talk about not 3.2ghz stock with DDr3 but 4.0ghz+ (which is at last a 15% improvement in fps. which can be from 5-7fps. but i think by 2009 Q2 / Q3 some game will show Great usage of core i7 tough
but it not the thing right now ? so what you think domke13 ? I should being saying to people GET x58 + 3x1GB ? Core i7 920 ? then they will say why it was Slower then my E8400 4.0ghz overclocked or what ? I'm waiting for Westmere then il probably re-upgrade il have Money and better video card back then thousand of guide and review will shown the potential of Coire 7 33nm shrink overclocked & maybe Revision of Bloomfield Core i7 With better guide how to overclock Q6600 whent from 3.2ghz to 3.6ghz with a revision the possibility of overclock you know that ? it an extra 400mhz but they stooped production it it what it on store tablet now that as to get off because tehy not production it they are how ever pro-ducting Q9300 for same price which is better deal and even Q9450Â 45nm shrink + Better Overclock + Better performances does of the Architecture anyway this will go in a endless speaking as Faith vs sciences or someting it being already 2 page didn't mean to get you angry or anything domke13 i being trying to conclude thing
like you know Q9300 vs E8400 who win in gaming most of the game when overlcocked ? The E8400 right ? according hundred of benchmark or at last 50. that i could seen praise and is on the near on 3-4 game by Q9330 + overclocked by 2-3fps or equality of frame rate per second anyway it just 1 more year and core i7 will be a REal winner there is no choice it will rules what E8400 & Q9000 series couln't doÂ
it does but much less then 965 . bit-tech showed 920 overclcoked still i'm not much impress
like if you compare E6600 to E8600 utplieyer like 9.5X I think for e8600 ? fr overclock or Q660- vs Q9650 vs QX9650 yet i'm trying to understand why 8 core slower then 2 core high clock in most of game when you talk about not 3.2ghz stock with DDr3 but 4.0ghz+ (which is at last a 15% improvement in fps. which can be from 5-7fps. but i think by 2009 Q2 / Q3 some game will show Great usage of core i7 tough
but it not the thing right now ? so what you think domke13 ? I should being saying to people GET x58 + 3x1GB ? Core i7 920 ? then they will say why it was Slower then my E8400 4.0ghz overclocked or what ? I'm waiting for Westmere then il probably re-upgrade il have Money and better video card back then thousand of guide and review will shown the potential of Coire 7 33nm shrink overclocked & maybe Revision of Bloomfield Core i7 With better guide how to overclock Q6600 whent from 3.2ghz to 3.6ghz with a revision the possibility of overclock you know that ? it an extra 400mhz but they stooped production it it what it on store tablet now that as to get off because tehy not production it they are how ever pro-ducting Q9300 for same price which is better deal and even Q9450Â 45nm shrink + Better Overclock + Better performances does of the Architecture anyway this will go in a endless speaking as Faith vs sciences or someting it being already 2 page didn't mean to get you angry or anything domke13 i being trying to conclude thing
like you know Q9300 vs E8400 who win in gaming most of the game when overlcocked ? The E8400 right ? according hundred of benchmark or at last 50. that i could seen praise and is on the near on 3-4 game by Q9330 + overclocked by 2-3fps or equality of frame rate per second anyway it just 1 more year and core i7 will be a REal winner there is no choice it will rules what E8400 & Q9000 series couln't doÂmarcthpro
 Can you show me, where bit-tech overclocked i7, please. Thanks in advance. I also don't expect any huge gains with Westmere really. 15% maybe. Less in games. Btw, why do you always compare stock(i assume) 920 to 33% overclocked E8400?
thx domke13 anyway well quit the hijack i donno if user got is problems solved it would being time he repost ;)
we being talking core 920 / 965 for like 2 whole page about weither or not if it stronger then dual core apprently not so much perhap it will gain Equality which i hope at last if it can't surpass it should be the very same fps as it ancestor if you got my point of view?marcthpro
I7 is obviously not the best economical choice, but when people want to get 790i, and DDR3 RAM... Let's just say itt's not very economical either + your getting outdated mobo.
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