I usually dont play though games more than once, so want to get the most out of the game. Which person has the most interesting and varied abilities or most fun?
The kung fu / knife chick...she's got some sweet moves and chopping a Brute slowly to bits never gets old. Just stands there trying to bite you because you just dis- armed him. Dis- armed..get it? Anyway she is fun to play....I'd play her myself, but I just can't get the dress out of my mind. For one thing it's ugly as hell and every time she does something really cool it blocks the camera a bit. So I stick with the Tank guy and just curb stomp those dead, nasty smelling zombies. Blunt weapons are cool but not as cool as some of those edged weapons. You can use any weapon..just as not as well as your class weapon.
My friend and I found Sam B to be the most entertaining by far. He's got some good survivability and some great attacks, so you can really get up close and personal without being as concerned for your safety as you would be with other characters. I played Xian and my friend played the football dude the first time through.
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