First of all (this part is not only MMO gamers) I wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone, I hope they are filled with memories and joy.
Now for the reason this topic has been posted. I am in need of an MMO. The problem is, I have yet to find an MMO to satisfy me and keep me with it. I have tried just about all the old mmo games [Everquest, Everquest 2, SWG, Vanguard, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, RuneScape, and so on] I have been with Vanguard since the deveolpers first started producing it, and im known as a originial vanguard poster. I was in the second beta until realese, and obviously bought it right away when it came out. However during Beta, I could hardly play the game due to my gaming rig. So before the game came out I saved up my money and got myself a very very nice custom PC in which now it runs everything, Far Cry 2, Vanguard, Crysis, all that on max settings. I retried Vanguard, got to about level 17 and then I stopped playing. I cannot stand doing the same things, I cannot stand grinding unless if it is fun. A game that I did stay with for over a year and loved it (of course I played it on and off during that year) was SWG. Im a big fan of housing, as well as mounts. I love PVP, more then I do PVE. I always play tank classes, im thinking that thats one of the problems why I always quit these games. Im just always into having that golden armor you know haha! I want to switch it up. Other games like, WoW (I played up to level 27 then quit for good, to repetitive), D&D (Same thing, to repitive, to limited. You stay in a friggen town the whole time), EQ&EQ2 was fun but just not for me once again. And RuneScape was my favorite, honestly it was im not going to lie. Although it was dreadfully hard to level up things and very repetitive, I loved it for some odd reason. Until my account got stolen.. Damn you! I cannot stand the start of a new character, you are so left out. You have to stay in one town, and this is where those two words i hate come in "grinding repitivley"!!
Anyway, I've done my research and found 3 games that im intreseted in. One i was actually in beta for and if I do remember, liked it a lot but did feel reptitivness. Not good! These games are,
Lord Of The Rings: Online! (This is the one I played beta for)
Age of Conan!
So now I need you! Please help me in choosing this game, I want to spend my money wisley! I've read reviews for all the games, but I need you to really guide me in the path that is right for me. Thank you SO much.
PS: If there is any new, or upcomming, MMO that I have not considered please reccomend!
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