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i have my share of doubts, especially since a rpg rookie is leading the development. no, i don't subscribe to all that Blizzard doesn't disappoint thing -- people make the game, brand name doesn't.
i have my share of doubts, especially since a rpg rookie is leading the development. no, i don't subscribe to all that Blizzard doesn't disappoint thing -- people make the game, brand name doesn't.
Well, first off i have to say that your grammer needs a little work. ( not to say mine is anything spectacular, but maybe you should try reading it out afterwards and see if it makes sense...) But beside that, once i actually realised what you were saying, i would have to dissagree on half of what you said and totally agree with the other half. I mean, why wouldn't you suscribe to the whole " Blizzard doesn't disappoint" thing. I don't know of a games they've made that has sucked, i mean it all comes down to your personally preference, tastes and likes, but they are all great games that were very polished. I guess if you looked into it more you would definatly get the sense of that as many people do( including me). But as most things in life, they aren't written in stone and anything can happen. But i've heard them say that they are in no rush to release the game, they are going to fine tune it as much. Besides, they've waited so long to finnally begin making the game, why not fine tune it and make one of the best, if not thee best rpg out( like with the previous diablo games.
But i totally agree with you about the "people make the game, the brand doesn't", but that doesn't mean the brand can't get the best people that work the hardest to the best game possible. I mean it has happened with other companies out there like EA, that made great games, but lately they've taken over other projects and "completely ruined them" because they are maybe more money focused, i'm not sure. But Blizzard seems different, for now....I mean they make a killing of WoW, but then you have to think, Blizzard is a big company, they have people working on the different games, diablo 3 has it's own group of determined people, possibly with different intentions then the other group of people( WoW for example), or atleast in our eyes.
Yah, i agree with you, and totally ignore my statement about your grammer and junk, i'm to lazy to delete it XD. But yah, just wanted to give my 2 cents.
I think diablo III will be awesome (online and single player). I never got too much into first two games, but after playing WC TFT for over 5 years and loving the hero-oriented gameplay, I can't wait to get my hands on DIII (I am even more excited about SC II).
As for people saying that it might disappoint - Blizzard never releases game that might not satisfy its fans (remember the SC: Ghost?). My only gripe with Blizzard is that it takes so damn long since the official unveiling till the release. Oh well, I'll just keep playing WC TFT on battle net.
Legitplaya dont bash on peoples grammar when yours is terrible as well. Its an online forum and who cares if people make mistakes as long as they are understandable.
"I don't know of a games they've made that has sucked, i mean it all comes down to your personally preference, tastes and likes, but they are all great games that were very polished. I guess if you looked into it more you would definatly get the sense of that as many people do( including me). But as most things in life, they aren't written in stone and anything can happen." Read your first sentance back outloud.... exactly. I got what OP asked and i didnt have to be a grammar nazi about it either.
I dont totally agree with his statement though. I think blizzard has a great way of game development that most companies these days do not use anymore. Instead of poping a new game out every year they wisely budget small ammounts of money to a project at a time and give more as more is needed thus not leaving stuff to run off and be wasted. They hire only the best employees as well so even if theres a newbie in charge, im sure they picked him for a reason. Blizz itself doesnt make the games but through the choices of employees and monetary spenditures that they make they intern leave very little to chance and have, until now, ended up with AAA games that review well and play splendidly.
i have my share of doubts, especially since a rpg rookie is leading the development. no, i don't subscribe to all that Blizzard doesn't disappoint thing -- people make the game, brand name doesn't.
I'm not quite sure having an RPG rookie on the team is that big of a deal. I mean seriously, the Diablo games barely qualify as RPG's. They are basically action games with RPG elements.
Look what what happened when the "veterans" of the Diablo series tried to make their own
Yes "people" create the game, not the company. However, it's the management, budget, planning, ect that gives the "people" the ability to consistently produce and develop quality games.
Blizzard attracts some of the best people in the industry, and they have been in the business for a long time now. They picked this "rookie"...I am sure they have their reasons.
Rookies all have to start somewhere, and if this guy makes everyone fall in love with Diablo 3, you'll have yourselves THE rookie of the year. I'm an optimist, I have faith.
Besides, no Blizzard game has disappointed me yet. And I'm no fanboy, just a fan of their work. Big difference.
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