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wasnt diablo ported to the ps1? i remember seeing it in blockbuster.
anyway, i agree that diablo3 should be at least somewhere down the line in development, so i dont really see a problem if it keeps the way it is in the trailers. Besides the interface, im not sure what else they can do to accomodate for the consoles that they cant just fix for the pc with the unlimted time they have because blizzard hates release date info.
As long as the PC version doesn't get compromised because of console development (either porting or alongside), I don't care if Diablo 3 gets ported to consoles.the_ChEeSe_mAn2
This is what matters. As long as console porting doesn't hinder the PC version, let them do it.Sacred 2 was good on consoles.
They're just now looking for people with console experience for "a Diablo-related project". If it's a port, it'll be a late one and the PC game will not suffer. If it's not, who cares?
[QUOTE="the_ChEeSe_mAn2"]As long as the PC version doesn't get compromised because of console development (either porting or alongside), I don't care if Diablo 3 gets ported to consoles.CrookedCrown
This is what matters. As long as console porting doesn't hinder the PC version, let them do it. most of the time it doesnt, games are just getting simpler in general. Everyone just always wants to blame consoles.Sacred 2 was good on consoles.
They're just now looking for people with console experience for "a Diablo-related project". If it's a port, it'll be a late one and the PC game will not suffer. If it's not, who cares?
now that i think about it, the only way a console port of d3 can make me mad is if it delays the release date. not that they have one, but I'm sure they have an idea right now as to roughly when.
most of the time it doesnt, games are just getting simpler in general. Everyone just always wants to blame consoles.TerrorRizzingWell it is not the actual consoles's fault, but it does have to do with the console players and catering to their tastes. Not all developers do this, but it does play a role.
I am just saying what bioware said. Now i dont know if blizzard will follow this tactic but making a console version is propably gonna lead them there eventually.dakan45ya I read that foreign pr interview, but until the doctors come out and say so I call bs... Plus im sure the pc version of mass effect 2 sold much better than its version of mass effect 1... something to think about. Blizzard have done the console thing before, but they always have alot of love for the pc since they can do what they want the way they want there. Even kotick seems to like the pc, he hates that microsoft makes money on xbox live thanks to call of duty. I see big changes in the way we play games in the next 5-10 years, alot of it is the kinda stuff most here choose to ignore. who will need a console when you can play your games on pretty much any open platform you choose?
Since Blizzard is in charge (well of course) I think it's safe to assume Diablo III will be great and released when they feel its ready and come on it's Blizzard they have high standards!Moloch121
Agreed, Blizzard has a great track record for keeping their games at a high quality level.
I've never seen Blizzard dumb down any of their games, so I don't reckon they will if they ever released their games on the consoles.
There is a simple answer to that - Blizzard is quality developer, to the core. Those folks could make amazing game on console without compromising PC.
So can Bioware and Dragon Age: Origins was a perfect example. The question remains, when will it happen. I don't see any other company, then Blizzard, who could still stay simply PC to gather required profit. Maybe Valve, however they already made good sales with Orange Box and Left 4 Dead series on console, even thou PC versions are top quality.
Time will tell, I'd love to see PC being developed for properly, very few companies still offer that aspect unfortunately.
The Witcher 2 should be superb and I have no doubt Diablo III will shine, as it always did.
duh... why would've they dumbed down any of their games when they were PC only? this is the first time they are making a multiplatform game. sure there were SNES games, but even they were SNES only. but again; console versions might be stripped/dumbed down versions of what we get for PC, but it doesn't affect the PC version, if it's been made first (meaning; with PC's terms.). even so, in this case, i don't think they have to touch anything else than controls, and to make fonts/interfaces bigger for TVs.I've never seen Blizzard dumb down any of their games, so I don't reckon they will if they ever released their games on the consoles.
Those folks could make amazing game on console without compromising PC.Sokol4everactually, they can't. that's why they are currently hiring console experts.
What would there be to dumb down with Diablo 3? It doesn't get much more simple than hitting mouse buttons to attack and clicking hotbars for specials.
I really don't understand the angst PC gamers are having with the idea that Diablo 3 will probably come out on the consoles. It's a win for everyone.
The issues with porting are the following:
Console gamers ,most of them are unaware that porting from PC to console when done in a competent way is a better experience for them visually.Porting from console to PC without delaying the PC release never goes well on PC.No one is willing to delay a game however, because it misses the marketing hype.
DAO recieved so many complaints regarding the controls on consoles,and I`m very shore that they will not be able to do it properly even this time,simply because the engine is fit as my grandma in her late 90`s.I`t will be better but far away from the abilities that other games are showing on consoles.
This is greed however,it all cost money.ME came out 6 months latter to PC and was a great port,ME2 was a parallel development and release and was a lousy port,still a good game.
Splinter Cell Conviction was recently the lazziest port I played in a long time.
Diablo is not a demanding game,if they do it properly, scaling down for consoles wont be a big problem,because even the control sheme is simple.
Diablo 3 is not confirmed for consoles. Generally I don't care if a game is on multiple platforms or not as long as the game is not compromised for the consoles' lack of power and controller limitations. I hate simplified complex pc games.
PC to console ports usually suck. Diablo 3 looks like a game that could work on the consoles well enough, with some compromises here and there. And Blizzard already said they are mainly focusing on the PC version. So only PC fanboys can be sad if it comes to consoles too (since it won't be PC exclusive anymore).
now correct me if im wrong but in order to play diablo 3 online as that is a key aspect of the game. Would be to play on which as far as i know is only on pc.
How would you play on Live or PSN
Now correct me if I'm mistaken but how would you play Diablo III Online without Battle.Net. As far as I Know you can only do that on pc and if you could play it on X-Box 360 or PS3 how would that work on Live or PSN
This is the way I see it, if a game is being developed with consoles in mind then wont the developers be inclined to drop things from the game or dumb down some aspect of the game because it might not work well on consoles?
Im not just talking about graphics, physics, hours of gameplay, lighting or sound but also the gameplay itself, PC games in the past have been noobified to make them easier for console gamers to play (Supcom 2, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six ect.) and thats what I have come to expect from all games that are being developed with consoles in mind. Some of my favorite PC game franchises have been ruined over the past few years and now, with Activision breathing down Blizzards neck I honestly dont know what to expect from Diablo III, this game has gone from being my most anticipated game and a definate buy, to a "humm ill just wait and see how it turns out."
This is the way I see it, if a game is being developed with consoles in mind then wont the developers be inclined to drop things from the game or dumb down some aspect of the game because it might not work well on consoles?
Im not just talking about graphics, physics, hours of gameplay, lighting or sound but also the gameplay itself, PC games in the past have been noobified to make them easier for console gamers to play (Supcom 2, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six ect.) and thats what I have come to expect from all games that are being developed with consoles in mind. Some of my favorite PC game franchises have been ruined over the past few years and now, with Activision breathing down Blizzards neck I honestly dont know what to expect from Diablo III, this game has gone from being my most anticipated game and a definate buy, to a "humm ill just wait and see how it turns out."
What is there to dumb down in Diablo 3? You run around killing enemies. Not very hard. Your assertion about gameplay length is ridiculous, as well. Fallout 3 is just as long on the PC as it is on the 360. So is Oblivion. Mass Effect too!
If you seriously don't think this is a day one buy, then I don't know what to tell you. Even with Activision owning Blizzard, nothing shows that that has had any meaningful effect on their games.
This is the way I see it, if a game is being developed with consoles in mind then wont the developers be inclined to drop things from the game or dumb down some aspect of the game because it might not work well on consoles?
Im not just talking about graphics, physics, hours of gameplay, lighting or sound but also the gameplay itself, PC games in the past have been noobified to make them easier for console gamers to play (Supcom 2, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six ect.) and thats what I have come to expect from all games that are being developed with consoles in mind. Some of my favorite PC game franchises have been ruined over the past few years and now, with Activision breathing down Blizzards neck I honestly dont know what to expect from Diablo III, this game has gone from being my most anticipated game and a definate buy, to a "humm ill just wait and see how it turns out."
What is there to dumb down in Diablo 3? You run around killing enemies. Not very hard. Your assertion about gameplay length is ridiculous, as well. Fallout 3 is just as long on the PC as it is on the 360. So is Oblivion. Mass Effect too!
The number of players was reduced from 8 to 5. The inventory was significantly simplified. The player vs player in any map of the game was replaced for a arena minigame in very small, specifically designed areas called arenas. The artwork design is totally Warcraft III, even the combact effects and sounds are calling "look at me, I'm from Kalimdor and I'm not Sanctuary anymore".
Your assertion about gameplay length is rediculous.airshocker
Call of Duty says hi, so does Medal of Honor. $60 for 4 hours gameplay yay!
What is there to dumb down in Diablo 3?airshocker
The games not out yet, so I cant tell you, but I heard theres already less players and restricted PVP and still with no good reason as to why. Bare in mind next time you scrutinize me that I never said it will be dumbed down, I only said that I (me) expect it to be, and thats a perfectly good reason for me to be less excited about Diablo 3 than I was last week.
Fallout 3 is just as long on the PC as it is on 360, So is Oblivion, Mass Effect too!airshocker
Mass effect has always been a console game, what does that have to do with anything I said?
The Gamebryo game engine hasnt changed much at all since it was used in Oblivion, (an almost five year old game). Also Fallout 3 is a completely different game to the original Fallout games which is another franchise that I (and many many others) really loved, just the way it was. Fallout 3 may be a decent game, but its certainly not the Fallout I remember.
BTW, grats on finding two multiplatform Bethesda RPG's that have long playtime though... :roll:
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