Well i got some parts today to build my new computer.. i got case,motherboard,PSU and a harddrive.
I put them togeather and was just gonna leave them as there were untill i got my cpu,memory and ram but then
i made the mistake of #1 even turning on turning on thecomputer and #2 not double checking if everything was plugged in properly. So i hit the start swtch on the case, i see a blue light at the top-right of the mobo so i'm thinking ok it's working but then i see smoke. As i quick as i could i hit the switch on the PSU and unpluged the cable. Now i'm thinking "what did i do wrong?", I go over the mobo see the burn mark and find out that the front panel USB for the case wasn't plugged in properly(I had the first 4 pins in but the others weren't).
So did i break my whole Mobo or just one USB-pin slot, theres another which i have it plugged in now, im afraid to turn the computer on again untill i get the rest of the parts.
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