I just played again tonight, after having played just the once last night.
I'm almost speechless about this game. I spent most of my time tonight (like, about two hours of it) just circling that small track in the starter camp. The handling of the motor bike, and the way that the rider moves his body, is just absolutely superb. The experience actually made me feel bike-sick, since I haven't ridden on a real motor bike in almost 15 years.
The way that, after an hour or more of riding, you begin to get a feel for the bike is just sublime. I can now aim straight for a corner flag, and at the very last possible moment kick the back end of the bike out and have the rear wheel bite into the sand and push me forward, out of the corner - how amazingly fluid it all is.Honestly, if all you're doing is becoming involved in those long races in which you're chasing arrows, then you're really, really, really, really missing out on what this game has to offer. It's not about going straight. It's about going in circles. And the A.I. is really fantastic. It's very, very tough to beat. One of the reviewers is dead wrong about what he said of the A.I. having a 'rubber band' effect. With the shorter races the A.I. is definitely not cheating. I've kept a steady eye on that, and there's no cheating going on there. (Again, short races, with multiple laps, that's the key to this game.)
Just before quitting for the night I returned to that four wheel lawn-mower thing, and was shocked at how different it felt from the bike. That up-close camera view is just insanely great. You almost feel as though you're on an actual vehicle, whipping across the land. I'm not joking when I say that just for that one small starter track the $40 price tag was easily worth the price of admission for me. I haven't even begun to see what else is out there yet.
And holy smokes did the developer ever do a great job with the engine. I can't believe how many frames I'm pulling in considering what's happening onscreen. I must be around 60 or 70 FPS.
I'll admit that if a game is great then I can sometimes be a little too enthusiastic during my first week with it - but Fuel might end up being one of my sleeper hits of the year. A beautiful, beautiful game. I'm so glad I bought this title. I actually felt bad when I bought it, because it was an impulse buy, and foolishly I actually paid attention to a few of the reviews, which were highly critical in nature.
Just goes to show that the only person who matters is yourself.
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