[QUOTE="Elann2008"][QUOTE="Geminon"] the dev in the assault on carthage video says himself that it is very pre-alpha, and that the final going will look "WAY WAY better than this".... so even the developer himself admits that the game should look better, not WORSE. the fact is, the game looks significantly worse than what was shown in that video. SEGA is starting to get a reputation for showing videos of their games before release that look exception, and then when the product actually comes out, it looks nothing like what was advertised....Geminon
Hey now.. Gearbox screwed up Aliens Colonial Marines.. not SEGA. But the question is.. why the heck did SEGA want to do business with Gearbox is beyond me.
sega was responsible for the marketing and promotional videos though.... the videos that the consumer saw leading up to the games release came from SEGA... it is part of the duties of a publisher....SEGA knew about the demo that looked gorgeous, but I don't think they were fully aware that Gearbox was going to degrade the graphics and then shift the workload and finishing touches to an inexperienced studio until it was too late.
Gearbox didn't even have the proper mindset to finish development with Duke Nukem Forever. If you don't know what the fvk you're doing with a legendary IP, just say NO and turn it down. Let me become vaporware.. because it was already. But no, Gearbox wants profit.. so lets just continue that sh!t and sell the hell out of it and profit. BS Sophist attitude.
Should SEGA have just rolled over and cancelled Aliens Colonial Marines during the last phase of development? I think not. I'm sure SEGA has learned their lesson and I am 100% sure they will never do business with Gearbox ever again. Gearbox is a joke and anyone that thinks they are a trustworthy developer is delusional. If I could undo buying Borderlands 2, I would in a heartbeat. I would never support a company like that ever again. And Pitchfork is one of the most repulsive people I've ever seen.
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