Why? Maps take time and effort by the developers to make. Back in the day of free map packs, development costs were a tiny fraction of what they were today. When you're spending your time to develop, debug, and balance maps, that's money out of your budget to do it with no real return.
There is no logical reason for free map packs. If maps were as simple as they were back 10 years ago, where textures were low res, and environmental collision was easy to debug, they could put out maps 1000x faster than today. Hell, a decent amature map maker with some good tools could throw together maps in an afternoon.
Now maps are far more complex and often use a lot of new assets not found in other maps. New textures, sounds, objects. They don't just grab them from the libraries and build new maps like you would with a released map editing tool.
The mindset that content should be free becuase it was free back when the industry was a completely different animal is wrong. It's gamer entitlement 101, and you just look silly asking for free content.
I think if we buy a game, we should get any additional content there afterwards. I think video games are very expensive these days and when we buy it it should include any additional content to be included. Unless it's a full scale expansion pack but when it comes to maps, they should be free.
Similar to what The Witcher 2 devs did, if that was EA that would have set us back $30 for the enhanced edition upgrade.
Video games are generally worth their price tag when compared to other entertainment mediums, especially digital entertainment. You get far more use out of a video game than a movie or a CD. If you're putting 12+ hours into a game, I find it hard to not justify the original price spent. Of course you won't get this out of every game, there are always bad ones, but in general even $60 for 10+ hours of entertainment is cheap compared to pretty much everything else.
There is no reason why you should keep getting content after that you don't pay for. Absolutely none. I don't know where you developed that mentality, but it's a rather terrible mentality.
The Battlefield 3 DLCs are more than just maps btw. If you add up all of the content coming in the 4 DLC packs, it's pretty much the size of 2 normal expansion packs. Though my argument still stands for basic map packs. If a professional developers spends 1+ million in budget making new maps for a game (the overhead for AAA shooters like BF3 is massive with the amount of staff required for something as simple as a map), they shouldn't be free. If thye are, then we get bonus content we should be grateful for, but we should never expect work to be done for free just becuase that's how it was or we feel that the original price was a bit high.
I don't really see why you are defending increbily overpriced DLC. Back to Karkland was 4 maps, for $16. That's around a quarter of the base game value, for 4 maps. I don't see any justification for that kind of price point.
You mentioned the massive amount of staffing required for those maps, by that you mean what? A dozen? Two dozen? That's not a lot.
If we buy a game for $60 then that should be our membership for that game so to speak. The developers should be giving us those maps as a thank you for buying their product.
They thank us, not the other way around.
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