Well, I think the whole idea of digital distribution is genius and will definitely be the norm in a few years. I don't use Steam but have downloaded many games from Direct2Drive and a couple from other sources like Gamespot, Trygames, and Boonty. The whole biz is still somewhat in it's infancy but is gradually working the kinks out. The KEY to successful digital downloads in my book is self updating games. Some examples are Civ4 and NWN2, which I purchased from D2D. These games have updaters included that keep the game all patched up. Now D2D does give you the latest patches anyway, but it's just easier to update directly and digital patches are often different that the retail patches, that is, compatibility wise.
So here are my benefits to digital distribution:
1) No CDS, packaging, manuals etc. to keep track of or worry about losing. You can download the game as many times as you want if say, for instance, you get a new pc or your pc goes whack job on you. Furthermore, like a paperless society, it does not waste all the natural resources that go into making, packaging and marketing pc games.
2) You can usually get your game before it reaches the store. In other word, you can usually be one of the first to own the game.
3) I find D2D and others have the best market price for pc games. Someone mentioned that the games should be cheaper. I don't necessarily think that's true, but may work itself out in the future as digital download becomes the norm and publishers can give that saving back to the consumer. However, one has to consider that pc games are still primarily sold over the counter, so the economics just don't work out yet. Publishers/developers are still paying quite a bit of money to package, market and distribute their games. It's like hybrid cars - there going to be more expensive to produce and buy until more people own them. Also, back to pricing, I find that D2D will have the latest market price for the games and sometimes offers discounts. I find that retailers often sell games at a higher price when said game has already come down in price. D2D is always consistent in pricing
4) Download speeds are pretty fast on D2D. I don't know about other guys, although I found Trygames was pretty slow so I gave up on them quickly. Anyway, people may complain that they don't have a fast connection, but honestly, if you don't have broadband in this day and age then you shouldn't own a computer.
5) On major games, at least with D2D, you can preorder your game and predownload it almost a week or two in advance of the game. Therefore, when the game is released you only have to download a bit more to have the complete game.
6) No worries about huntin around for a popular game. They don't run out of copies in the digital world.
Anyway, digital downloads are definitely the way to go now. I hope they release more games on digital distribution including older ones. The library is still rather small, but growing.
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