Your system isn't half bad, but the gfx card is real old. If you replaced that, I think you'd be in pretty good shape. That's more RAM than I have.montzag
Your rig is actually pretty good as it is now; could use a little more memory (1.5GB total would be nice) and like the person above said a new vid card.
If you dont feel like making that "big upgrade" (i.e. a new PC) we all need to make every three or four years, I highly recommend getting a 7600GT or 7600GS AGP slot vid card (I am assuming your mobo is AGP only, if not, go get a 7600 PCI-express).Ā Its relatively inexpensive and it will allow you to play just about any new game available.
As for the Walmart PC, avoid it like the plague.Ā If you go shopping, I suggest you keep a few minimum requirements in mind:
1.Ā Get a dual-core processor.Ā The latest and most economical ones would be either Intel's Core 2 Duo series (Core 2 Duo E6400, for example) or AMD's X2 series (AMD X2 3800).
2.Ā 2x1GB DDR2 677MHz+ memory.Ā 1GB is sufficient, but to truly get that smooth performance and short load times you need 2GBs of memory
3.Ā Video card: you can get a Geforce 7600GT for close to 100 dollars now, and it is truly an excellent card.Ā It wont give you AA or fancy shadows, but it will give you enough juice for good textures and a high resolution.
The rest of the system is up to you.Ā I suggest at least one DVD-RW and atleast 200GB of hard drive space.Ā Also, dont settle for a power supply rated under 450 watts; you will want to upgrade in the future, and a Dx10 card will need atleast 400 watts.
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