[QUOTE="rgsniper1"] Not really, sometimes I like to read pointless post. Sometimes I even post in them for fun. I'm having fun now.
Gamespot doesn't allow spam or disruptive posting
Yeah kinda because if everyone made a pointless post these boards would really really suck and everyone would leave.
It's not for me to decide which you chose though, i'm just giving options.
As far as this post for me personally, well honestly I come here for somewhat intelligent conversation most of the time. That said when you see something titled "DO NOT Buy a 8800GT No matter WHAT!", and you happen to be in the market for a 8800GT you kinda want to click on it because you think..."hey self, this looks like a really important conversation.. Self you really need to click this link and see what it's all about". OOOPS... kinda a trick going on here as the whole thread is pointless. See you don't realize it is pointless until you've already arrived and read it.
P.S. Still having fun.
yeah i know what u mean but clicking on a dumb threadaint gonna kill u as sometimes people get aggressive when they see a dumb post not saying u are
Agreed, but you can see why they are mostly frowned upon by forum users and the mod squad. Honestly if you let one person do it you have to let everyone do it. At which point there really is no forum, just a bunch of pointless post. That's my thought anyway, I realize most don't agree with it.
I really did click because I thought it was going to contain some important info, sadly it didn't. Since I came here though I figured I might as well post as I took the time to read it. :)
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