Well do you? I know a lot of people use Steam because it saves you space and everything is just ready to access on any PC at your convenience but I love collecting PC games. I love the experience of tearing off the shrink wrap, smelling that new game smell, flipping the discs to inspect it and reading the manual. Yea some manuals are poorly put together (Activision), some have none at all (Ubisoft) but others really go all out (Witcher Enhanced Edition). Anyway, the only digital download games I have are Silent Hill 5 and Saw and I most of the PC stuff is retail. I also purchase collector's edition if they're reasonably sized, (the StarCraft 2 one is too large for me to put anywhere so I went for regular, recently I tracked down the Morrowind Collector's for a cheap price and its brand new so that's coming on Tuesday). So do you collect PC games?! If so, why?
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