I tend to find steam friends an interresting experiment of sorts. Most of my friends on Steam (have 23) most of those are people I randomly playied games with who found out that I was 30, and that seems the be the driving reason for it.
Looks like at some point complete strangers prefers to play with someone around thier own age, to avoid user groups that they either feel too young, too old, or the same general interest. It is slightly amusing that people are looking for people to play with based on things they have in common (and because 14 year old screaming b****** becomes a real pain in the long run.
The rest of my friendlist are family and rl friends who also play games, and serves as the sidejob of us contacting eachother quick and easily, so i sort of changed into a sort of messaging program rather then a platform for games :\
Anyways, since I am European I fear the ping would be murder for me -.- But good luck TC :D there are some really nice people to waste time with on steam ^^
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