Does anyone Everquest 2: Rise of Kunark? The reason I ask, is because this release should have all the expansion packs released to date for Everquest 2. Is this right or wrong? The original Everquest 2 came on a single DVD and I cannot understand how Everquest 2 together with the 5 or 6 6 expansion packs can only cover 3 cds! Should there be more cds, because in my box there was only 3!
It's all in there. Just go install it already and you will see. However, you probably will have to download a lot of updates after you've installed the game but nonetheless all the expansions and the base game are in those 3 CD's.
t I don't understand! On the front cover of the box it says DVDs, but the three are called disc not dvds. Are they DVDs or not, because else it would have said cd-rom on the front of the box in the upper left corner
Well it should say DVD on the it instead of disc i believe. Can someone who actually have this rather new game, tell me if there should just be these 3 disc and are these DVDs or should there be an extra DVD?
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