I'm looking to buy a joystick that I can use for bf2, arma2, hawx, 1943/bf3 (when they come out).
I saw one on newegg that was reasonably priced and got great reviews:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826280014
Now, the question I have is how many of you actually use these in games like bf2, arma2? I love flying the jets, but I can never really do much cause I really suck at piloting with a mouse.. I usually end up crashing or just fly in a straight line and I can never successfully land a helicopter when I wanna drop off people...
Anyways, I've been interested in to purchasing one for those games and for any other time in a game where you need to fly something lol I know it doesn't hurt to have one, but I guess I'm more interested in knowing how many people actually use them and have a better time flying in game.
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