It might be a total noob question but I was wondering if HDD has any effects on gaming performance? Like does a low speed one bottleneck the game to have full performance?
If you play MMO's that stream data from the HDD it can effect performancewhen turning fast and high speed travel. It's not worth worrying about... unless you got a really old drive that uses IDE.
Another thing is to... A lack of RAM can also cause games to cache on the drive. It would be best to upgrade your RAM then it would be to upgrade your HDD.
The game data on the HDD is loaded into your system memory, so the HDD speed plays a role there. After that, the bulk of data streams through your graphics card memory and system memory. You mainly see the effect of your HDD speed when it comes to loading new information into system memory -- i.e. loading a saved game, loading the game up for the first time, loading a new environment. If you are wondering about your average frame rates, then you are dealing more with issues with your graphics card and CPU. In any case, it's always nice to have a fast HDD because everybody has to load up apps and transfer data.
Game files are loaded from the hard drive into memory, then the game references the data in the memory. This all happens during those wonderful "loading" screens.
So the only thing that will improve with a faster hard drive will be the load times.
depends completely on the game.. if the game has high load times, cut scenes.... then yes, but for the most part, during normal gameplay, you won't notice a difference.
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