See people complain about the cost of PC gaming all the time, but three things:
1. As mentioned, if you do some research, it's actually not too bad. Then again, this also requires some techinical know-how, but in the end, it very well may be cheaper.
2. It's not primarily a gaming machine. Even if you don't do too much research and end up paying $1500ish for a PC, it'll usually end up being about the same as a console and a non-gaming PC, give or take.
3. If you're into shooters and RTS and RPG, you don't really need a console. Honestly, since I've gotten my 8800GTS, I've barely touched my 360. On the weekend of Halo 3, I got it cause one of my friends had an extra and they were all going to play it. I played one evening and then spent the weekend on BF2. The gameplay is SO much better on a PC and if something's multiplat, you'll get MUCH better controls (going from a good mouse to dual analog is like what I imagine being handicapped is like at first), user created maps and mods, more players (usually and they'll stick around longer in the long run), a server list (I can't stand matchmaking, I want to choose my map!), and you won't have to deal with prepubescent swearing high pitched voices. Plus, "innovative" things on consoles like mapmaking and screenshots and replays have been around forever on the PC.
The only console I've played since my 8800 is my Wii for Nintendo's franchises like Mario Bros, Metroid Prime, and Smash. The only online console game I've played in a while (besides Brawl) is Bwii for a day or two while my PC was getting fixed for some problem.
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