Hate to break it to ya, but a Q6600 OC'd to 4.0Ghz (and they're everywhere, hell, I got mine to 3.8Ghz last night) will beat the pants off your dual core.
It's been proven over and over that quads perform better than duals in games. Crysis alone with a quad sees anywhere from a 15-30% increase over a dual at the exact same settings and speeds.
Unsure where you got your proven facts but Crysis dosent even max out a e8400 100% both cores on low resolutions such as 1280x1024 where the cpu is playing a bigger role than it does at higher resolutions.
Run your benchmark in crysis tonight and post the scores. Do a Screen of your desktop showing the test results, cpuz or whatever you wish to show your cpu information, and for overall reality check also the GPU and cores. I will run it tonight as well on my barely oc'ed e8400 at 3.6, and see where we stand. To be neutral, lets focus on the 1280x1024 resolutions where cpu/gpu ratio is best.
So I will test my 3.6ghz DC against your Quad 3.8Ghz. That was we can show in this thread some facts.
You up for the challenge?
Now we are testing games only. So I dont care if you run your Anti-virus, or your ripping dvds, or anything else. You got a quad to do those things while you game. I got a DC cause I got better things to do, and I only game on my PC between Work and school. So dont complicate things up here.. Just games. Do whatever you want while you game, but dont add in excuses why you dont get your 15-30%.
1280x1024 is about the last cpu bound boost you get before the gpu bottlenecks and takes over as to what your performance will be, such as at 1600x1200. So like I said. I will test with you.
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