I have Morrowind already but I'm not sure if it's with the expansions. I was thinking about buying it a third time just so I can get it all together in steam. I was hoping the expansions were on sale via steam but I couldn't find them.
The thing is, I bought Morrowind during last years sale. In my library the game is just titled "Morrowind". No mention of the game of the year edition.
The thing is, I bought Morrowind during last years sale. In my library the game is just titled "Morrowind". No mention of the game of the year edition.Pvt_r3d
From the game's steam page:
"The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions. The original Mod Construction Set is not included in this package."
The only Morrowind Pack Steam has is the GOTY edition. Easy way to check is to launch the game, if your launcher shows the titles of both of the expansions then you have GOTY - the title of the game in Steam just says Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - nothing about GOTY in the title.
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