[QUOTE="sepheronX"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] [QUOTE="sepheronX"]You guys got nothing to complain about. I have to wait till next week to have my PC shipped out from 1 city to another (I moved out, and had to leave my PC at my parents house) so I wont get to even play the demo till then.sSubZerOo
Actually the majority of people on this thread are most likely getting the game tommorw.
yeah, so what is the whole problem then? Download speeds too slow? boo hoo. If you are like me, patient, then wait till the game hits retail on the 21 (tomorow). If the demo finish's downloading tomorow morning, then you got something to test out first and then buy in the same day.
heheh =D I got it fast, to get it fast people you need to download Flashget Download manager and use the linkin the bioshock forums.. I don't know why it does it but instead of the 90kbs download speed if I didn't have it, I get around 400 to 500kbs using the flashget.
Great find, i get around 100 kbps, but im allready half way done with mine.
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