From my experience, some gamers just play realtime early on because they can, then at some point, usually this blood collecting quest, they hit a brick wall. So I would advise all players of DA to use tactics right from the get-go, even though you don't have to, to get used to it.
There is another point though. This is one of the early few quests where you have to play with companions you didn't choose but were just thrust upon you. This makes it harder. Once you have a couple of quests under your belt with your own team, and talk to them, and getting to know their skills and their weaknesses, it gets a little easier. I am about 30 hours in and automatically know which team member should attack which enemy, I have their tactics set up so I don't have to watch them evry second unless the battle changes in some way (for exmaple, if the enemy get to my Mage).
In a nutshell, Dragon Age is one of these old school games where you get out of it what you put into it. If you don't get to know your party, if you don't set the tactics up for each of them to use their skills the best, if you don;t understand every party's weaknessess, if you don't understand the healing and agressive potions and the various crystals, you are going to be at a major disadvantage.
For example, I had one Rogue left and was fighting a monster (no spoilers!) that explodes into fire when it dies. I was very low on health with no health potions left and no Mage to heal me, so before I finally killed this monster, I used a fire crystal I had, which confers protection again fire, just a little bit, for a little while, but that crystal meant that when I killed that monster and the area was covered in flame for a moment, I had a sliver of health left. If I didn't know about that crystal, I would have died and had to go back to a previous save. That's how close some combat can be, and that's how knowledge can just give you the edge! :)
Good luck to all playing this great, intelligent, quite hard RPG!!!
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