The saddest thing about this move is the large number of simpletons and push-overs here accepting this move, saying it's OK and that they would love to pre-order the Game of the Year Edition of Borderlands so that they can get the Duke Nukem Forever demo. Unfortunately, we're now driving ourselves deeper and deeper into a gaming industry full of rip-off schemes that target idiots who enjoy pre-ordering games so that they can play "betas" or "demos." For those of you who still don't get it - and at this point, it would come as no surprise - what I'm saying is that both "betas" and "demos" should be distributed freely either to the general public or those who receive invites following free sign-up periods. Now, developers are making sneaky moves and, apparently starting with Duke Nukem Forever, we will be required to pay in order to play demos. Don't feed me any of the, "We're paying for Borderlands, not the demo!" nonsense. If that were the case, you would have purchased Borderlands a long time ago. And the only reason you're now excited about the Game of the Year edition is because it will give you access to the Duke Nukem Forever demo.
In a time period at which I've been seriously thinking about abandoning the industry all-together because of terrible practices and lack of creativity, this move only reinforces those thoughts. Sometimes I wonder why I hang around any longer. To put it lightly, some of the responses in this thread absolutely sicken me. To encourage this move is possibly the most disgusting act I've ever seen in my own personal history of having played video games.
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