As soon as I turn on my PC, there is an error saying that my DVD/CD drives are not found. Once windows starts, it doesn't see either drives. Whats wrong? The error is from the bios, so its not sofrware related, and I just replaced the cables for both drives.....
If it's IDE, check the cable (since you said you just changed it). Newer drive require the new type of IDE cable, the type that's before they only used with Hard Drive.
Jumper setting ? Master and Slave drive ? Check that too (SATA you don't need this)
NO!!! Im not talking about hard drives..Im talking about a CD drive and a DVD drive, they stopped showing up after 2 years of working......all the cables are connected properly...
maybe this will work...if you are sure every cable is connected very well, then try to go to device manger and uninstall the DVD/CD from there, then the windows will try to install it automatically (XP SP2 has most of the DVD drives).
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