For a start you'll have slightly better performance in XP compared to Vista all round. I don't know much about the DX10 in XP hack but even if it works you'll barely be able to tell the difference. Most games that boast vastly better effects in DX10 are artificial, like Crysis where the Very High settings are just hidden for DX9 but it's capable of doing nearly the same effects if you change the config files. There is another game, can't remember the name now, but the DX10 mode looks vastly better, but it's because it uses a completely different texture set to the DX9 mode.
DX10 really isn't all it's cracked up to be and I doubt we'll be seeing any benefits from it until developers are only working with DX10 and we're on to 2nd or 3rd generation of hardware that supports it.
My advice would be to go with XP and carry on withDX9, forget DX10 fornow,then when you buy your next system, go with Vista. Besides, by then there will only be Vista available if you want a Windows based system anyway.
Have fun
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