[QUOTE="Deamon321"]ok u go, u click crysis, method-digital, and then tehre will be 2 crysises.sykonfc
No there isn't. You go to EA Store, you add Crysis to your cart, say you want to Digitally Download it, select the language and then you go to your cart to check out.
Please, take a screenshot of what you are saying because it sounds like crazy talk to me. You did go to eastore.ea.com right?
You're right, although I can vouch for the OP: There did use to be another field after you pick language. It went Delivery method, Language, and then another drop down menu titled "Third Option" or something like that, which offered Crysis, or Crysis(R). I took a screenshot of it the first time I read this thread, but I gave up on uploading and posting it since I lost interest in the thread... and got a bit lazy :P But yeah, there was a third field. I bet it was just a bug they fixed ("Third Option" or whatever it was titled didn't make much sense at the time, nor did it sound like it was supposed to be there).
EDIT: Ah yes, there we go:
Yeah... After you click add to card you select Delivery Method (digital), language (English US), and then... "Step Three:", Crysis or Crysis (R).
The website developers seem to have forgotten about good ol' common sense in favor of all those pretty flash animations :P
"Step Three" it was.
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