Maybe it's because my generation missed the cutoff date of people who have tried Grand Theft Auto and as a result none of my friends are gamers so I have to play Borderlands with pick-up groups...but I get sooo confused by Borderlands multiplayer. I need your help on the points below please.
* Lately the multiplayer isn't requiring me to upgrade to the latest patch. Yesterday I manually did it and I am still having these problems....
* My text messages that I write after pressing "Y" don't show up. I don't use chat either so I can't communicate with my teammates. Again, I believe I uploaded the latest patch yesterday and it didn't help. When I'm playing solo and don't need chat, however, my words DID show up that I typed. At first I thought I fixed it but, no, then I tried it in multiplayer
* I STILL can't turn in a quest to Dr. Zed or whoever where you upgrade your equipment from a vending machine or something.
* Yesterday I was in ARid badlands or Stahl badlands or whatever, I think it's the first map, and I couldn't select quests from the bounty board at least in Fyrestone. I turned in a quest but when I sought to choose some interesting quests in the Fyrestone for my pickupgroup, specifically the one where you go down a mineral cave in fyrestone, it wouldn't let me. The button on the bounty board was red.
* Some times it seems that what happened above happens on other quests to or it seems I will b e locked out of certain parts of the map. I check to see if I have quests to turn in that I haven't or something and I don't think that's it. This is the biggest problem here.
Also, if it helps, I'm playing as a level 53 siren on my 2nd playthrough. Honestly, I don't feel like making a 2nd character until I figure out multiplayer a little better and I'm into my 2nd or 3rd year of having the game. Needless to say if I don't make a 2nd or 3rd character I probably won't get Borderlands 2. What's the point?
Any tips on making my experience better? Are the above things bugs or is it playing like it should? I suppose I could just uninstall and reinstall. I got the game retail and not on Steam so verifying files isn't an option.
The irony is some times I used to corral 8 players of different classes to strategically take on task forces that would some times last 3 days and require precise login times from different players playing around the world while playing City of Heroes. And yet, I am utterly baffled by this multiplayer shooting gallery. [/facepalm]
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