CA stated that 1.5 is the last major patch for E:TW.
I don't know about y'all, but this game is still a minefield of bugs for me.
-I can't trade some techologys because the icons are broken. Seriously, how did that make it through testing?
-Diplomacy is still broken. I try to send an offer to the Ottoman Empire and they ALWAYS reply with "Peace for East Prussia." Nations still value all of their technology/land more than yours.
-Fort Battle BAI is still completely broken.
-Still no multiplayer campaign, which was supposed to be out shortly after release.
-1.3 CTDs are back. Any siege battle for me results in a CTD while trying to load the campaign map after the battle (I basically can't expand unless I auto-resolve).
I wish I could tell steam to revert back to 1.4 because 1.5 is such a trash update. I can't even believe that CA had the arrogance to come out and brag about their amazing code. Sure, it's got to be long and complex, but if it doesn't ****ing work... it DOESN'T ****ing matter!
/end rant
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