I just bought Gmod 10 and I've been having a ton of fun so far. I want to know how to add extra effects like muzzle flash, blood spray and the like. I saw a video (http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=200142) and I want to know where to get a mod like this becauase that effect looks really cool. I do want static muzzle flash and blood effects so I can move them around and make them look just right. Thank you!
I download my mods for that game from here http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?661346435 . It usually will tell you how to install the mod in the readme file after you download it and most of them go into the addons folder inside your Gary's mod 10 file anyways.
For the muzzel flash what you have to do is prss "Q" to open the menu and the go to the tools and go to the tool "effects". Then select muzzel flash or blood spray. Spawn th effect, press the key you want to trigger the effect, grab the effect emmiter with the phis gun and move it to were you want it to come froem. And dont worry when you take a picture the emmiter model will not show up. Hope this helps.
are you serious?! you always have the blood spray/muzzle flashes and the like. they are called 'emitters'. just press q and looks for emitters on the right side of the menu. they will be there.
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