Please kindly consider signing the petition
Dear High Moon and Activision,
We the PC gaming community would like to thank you for your outstanding job on Transformers War For Cybertron. Please don't be too harsh on yourselves. We feel you will do more than a great job, on Fall of Cybertron if you decide to bring it to PC.
We assure you that you will be supported.
TWFC was a critically acclaimed game. The problem? Fall of Cyertron is not scheduled to be released PC!
Fall of Cybetron for PC has a high chance of being extremely successful and lucrative for High Moon and Activision. One must consider the growth of the PC gaming population given enormous digital media merchants such as Steam and Amazon. Given the paucity of such game genres on PC, there is a large demand for games like this. PC gamers love your brand of action games which do the G1 franchise justice.
Please do not worry about an issue such as capped frames per seconds (as there is an easy fix to TWFC) which is so very accessible. Steam and Amazon would also be suitable venues provided the game is sold at a reasonable price. There is a great deal of lucrative income generation to be had by you.
So please sign this petition if you wish for a Transformers Fall of Cybertron for PC!
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