Dogmeat, the dog, is located NORTH of Megaton for a while. He is a great addition to the team with him.. Just keep him healed with stimpaks and save before going into big battles because he can die. He is found in the far corner of the Scrapyard, surrounded by 3 raiders, you watch him devour them all in no time and lose only 1 bar of health. THis gives you an idea on how strong and vulnerable the dog is. Also, don't forget to LOOT the raiders after he kills them.
DIALOUGE: When you get near the dog, a dialouge box automatically pops up. The easiest way it to just do, ( IF YOU DONT LIKE SPOILERS, DONT READ ON, IF YOU DO, CONTINUE ) You will do, Hey boy, lose your master? And then you will do, I could be your new master boy, would you like that?
Enjoy this hint and hopefully it helps!
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