What do you all want to see for Fallout:New Vegas and later Fallout 4? I want to have more things to do.
Examples of what I hope for in New Vegas:
Enclave City with lots of citizens and you can infiltrate it as part of the main quest.. which i mean become a citizen and there be lots to do and see. Enclave war factories where they make weapons, vertiberds, armor, missles, tanks, ships, and jets. Enlcave should be much stornger and give the brotherhood a real run for their money. the enclave should have heavy soldiers armed with plasma shields to stop enemy attacks. brotherhood of steel should reunite with the d.c. brotherhood. seeing as new vegas is close to california i want to go back to ncr and the brotherhood headquaters there. bos should have aquired new enclave technology from raidng the enclave encampments. super mutants should sometimes carry shields when having one handed weapons. when i stumble upon a settlement and my speech and barter are high enough i want to be able to ask to aid them in building their communities by investing with caps, giving supplies and protecting them then come bakc in a week and thye have more people, brahmin, supplies, wepons, barricades, buildings are bigger, and and build a monument to your glory for aiding them or sell them out to raiders, slavers, or super mutants by either telling them or leaving the settlements location in their camp. i want to see more modern rtechnology not computers from the 1950's but only in palces like vault city and new vegas and brothehood headquarters. new enclave president is a human, sarah lyons (or depending on the date of the game,a later member of lyons' pride) should get sent to the brotherhood hq to bring news of d.c. and the situation there. becuase of karma choose either to continue on your main questline and not care about the problems of the wastes(neutral), aid the BOS in destroying the enlcave in new vegas and ending the conflict as a seondary long quest but not the main story(good), or join the enclave and destroy the BOS HQ in nevada and in california(evil). Have a part of the story on a huge enclave island base off the californian coast where there is an hq, underground bunker, factories, city, prison, slave labor camps, port, giant artillery positions, missles silos, wild jungles, and all be home to non radioactive animals but descended form post war monsters. the island could possible be hawaii or some island they made using a GECK( maybe found it, had it all along, or stole it from vault city). enter an enclave warship, tank, airship, and new vertibirds. Story on the enclave hq should involve a nuke to destroy the BOS lost hills bunker any resistance of New Vegas crimelords or NCR.
Weapons: same as fallout 3 including double barrel shotgun, axe. pulse, laser, plasma, super mutant spiked sword, advanced tesla cannon, all wepaons have a relatively new look.
Armor and clothes: shields, standard BOS power armor, Mark III and Mark IV power armor for enclave while lots of BOS have their own advanced Mark II power armor with the same style helmet. enclave captain, enclave general, enclave engineer, enclave citizen uniform, unique high class npc clothign and armor. all previous armor should look different form fallout 3 unless it is old BOS or enclave armor. Ravager armor: new enclave heavy unit in a huge almost Frank Horrigan style armor, enclave super mutant slave armor... ect.
I can not think of what to make a quest of because im not familiar of what could happen.. maybe in Broken Steel but i havent finished it yet. I could think of more but im stuck. just as long as the story, graphics, and gameplay are good. hopefully they dont get rid of vats because id be ticked
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