So I see people doing it all the time in Videos, yet I can't. What I'm trying to do, is shoot more than once in vats mode, I press LMB, I press E, but it doesn't shoot again. I have full AP, yet still, nothing. Can someone help me out here? :)
It may depend on weapon, i found that with large rifles / sniepr rifle etc, my character could only do one vats shot before draining over half of his vats points.
You click for every shot before hitting E. Keep in mind that if you have low agility and strong weapons you might only be able to pull off one shot because of a small AP pool.
Every weapon need a certain amount of "action points" (AP) to use, the bigger they are the more they need. If you got a high agility your Action points increase, thus letting you fire multiple times. Additionally you need to click on the target the multiple amount of times you want to fire, it'll stack up on the bottom right side of the screen, when you see that you've stacked up enough and can't stack another one due to no Action points or the weapon requires a certain amount of Action points you don't have at the moment, then you can press E and it'll fire upon the target the amount of times you've stacked up. If they all hit depends on the percent of hit ratio that body part has. Also Action Points regenerate on their own over time.
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