You do compare the "good" parts from Crysis with what you saw from Farcry 2 from time to time and when we talk about FC 2, we can't bring Crysis into discussion? OK :|.
bringing up crysis to compare a.i. is RELEVANT, because it brings into discussion whether or not far cry 2's a.i. is adequate to get the job done (and the videos thus far doesn't seem to suggest so). bringing up crysis to say that far cry 2 hopefully isn't as bad as crysis is NOT, because that's just bashing crysis. do you understand the difference? :roll: meaning, if you bring specifics into the discussion, fine! but if you're just going to bash crysis, then that's just pointless.
Check the edit ;). Actually Crysis should be brought into discussion even more, because Crytek promised so much and came up with so little (the actual product that "everybody" loves, not including the "I hate Crysis" part). Ubisoft promises even more and I really doubt they can deliver, but from the vids, most of what they promised it's there.
Unlike Crytek, Ubisoft cares about the game as much as they care about the graphics and all of their games represent that (except the might and Magic series) and yeah I would include even AC, say what you want about it, it is a good game. If they promise, they try to make it happen, if Crytek promisses it, they try to make excuses or cover the missing parts. Crysis "should" have been an even more complex game with lots more stuff to do in it than it is atm, so........God help us all if FarCry 2 isn't what they promissed, even if the AI would suck or any other small things that count only a little, because no matter how you look at it, Crysis's AI is not one of the best, not even between the top good ones, so stop complaining about FC 2's AI (I know you do ;) everywhere).
as for what you wrote about ubisoft caring about games and not just graphics, that's just your opinion and reads like drivel to me. yes, you backed it up with facts :? (such as writing 'say what you want about [ass creed], it's a good game' and 'if [ubisoft] promise, they try to make it happen, if Crytek promisses it, they try to make excuses or cover the missing parts'), but i still don't understand what exactly the point of that whole middle paragraph is. i thought crysis' a.i. was quite excellent; certainly, the koreans didn't stand there in the open and shoot at me while i picked them all off one by one. complaining about far cry 2's a.i. being bad seems a legit point, because i for one think that enemy a.i. is one of the most important elements of a good fps, so i'll continue to complain about far cry 2's a.i. as long as i see it being faulty.
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