1) Great setting
2) FIRE!!!!
3) Weather and day night cycles and beautiful scenery
4)sound design is exceptional
5) weapons are cool (though buggy)
6) Massive world
7) Dunia Engine
8) Intense Action
9) plays so smooth
1) Hey ubi soft instead of malaria pills can i have pills which teach my character how to lean and go prone. I thought it was supposed to be realistic.
2) Why is the AI short bus stupid?
3) why can i see every action my character does but at the end of the day hes just a floating head with a gun and no shadow? did you run out of money to give him legs like in riddick, fear and crysis?
4)whats the point of having all those character choies when they have no implication in the real game? How about giving the players main character a voice if youre going to give him a background and a name. Or you coudve sticked with one character and fleshed out the story more making this a truly awesome experience.
5)those stupid roadblocks have got to go! i cant believe the respawning involved. Its like playing COD.Patch it up.
6) the physics are horrible. Cant even shoot a tire out and ragdoll looks so unconvincing.
7) rubbish voice acting.every1 says their lines in such a hurry with no conviction.
8) why dont the bad guys get weapon jams or have i just not noticed yet?
9)didnt know JEEP was so big in war torn africa.
10) Wish the buddies wer actually useful instead of only coming when you get shot down. Why cant you choose a buddy to do a mission with and fight alongside with from the beginning.
11) Glass provides no reflection in Africa and you cant see through it either.
12) Gets stale after a while.
13) Ultra settings dont look very.....ultra
14) False RPG like elements.Weapon,armour upgrades and character selection with no added benefits. Would have been cooler if the different characters had different abilities e.g. a trained sniper or a heavy weapons expert etc...
15) Why can't i interact with the environment, like pikcing up a bottle and stuff?
Ah some of its just nitpicking but some of it for me just ruins the experience. Overall the game is an ambitious game you shoudnt miss out on. but you should be aware that ther are issues which are not everybody's cup of tea and Ubisoft has missed some great oppurtunities and left some real daft design flaws in the game. a 6-7/10 at best. Im sure if the game gets patched for its issues then it can be tightened up and be so much better.
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