FarCry2 = Quake with vehicles in Africa

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#1 VeryBumpy
Member since 2008 • 1718 Posts

I've got some opinions after playing 6+ hours....

This game is very shallow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it certainly does not make this a stand out product. Such a fantastic setting with excellent graphics and solid shooting mechanics held back by uninspired, simple gameplay.

It's a big world but it's duller than a fart; zero diversity seems to be this games forte.

  • Seen one check point, seen them all.
  • Seen one area, next one looks the same.
  • Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.
  • Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?
  • No leaning or prone.
  • Night time not dark at all.
  • No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)
  • Jeep lights crappy.
  • After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.
  • Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.
  • Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.
  • There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?
  • Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)
  • Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.
  • Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.
  • You are attacked on sight every where you go
  • Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass
  • 25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance
  • Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving
  • Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time
  • No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points
  • Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints
One thing this game does well is show how great and deep a game like Stalker is.
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#2 Astaroth2k
Member since 2006 • 877 Posts

Please dont compare such games in the future.


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#3 deactivated-5ac102a4472fe
Member since 2007 • 7431 Posts
while I pretty much agree on your points, I fail to see where Quake comes in!?
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#4 ReddestSkies
Member since 2005 • 4087 Posts
Please refrain from using "Quake" in a pejorative manner.
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#5 musclesforcier
Member since 2004 • 2894 Posts
Well Quake is one of my favorite games ever and introduced me to PC gaming, so I can't wait to get further into Far Cry 2 now!
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#6 fetelth
Member since 2008 • 130 Posts
More like GTA: Africa
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#7 Treflis
Member since 2004 • 13757 Posts
Let's be perfectly honest, you've never played Quake have you?
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#8 biggest_loser
Member since 2007 • 24508 Posts

Quake was teh first opn wrld gme b4 FarCry2!! Still not as gud as Halo 3!!

But seriously folks...

Um lol. No they are not alike at all, unless you mean to say that FC2 is just a generic shooter.

We all laughed at Gamespy giving it 3.5/5 - judging from some of these player reactions maybe it was a more accurate score than we thought...

Gamespot's Little Brother might have been right!!

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#9 SuperBeast
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More like GTA: Africafetelth

Agreed. It has MUCH more in common with GTA than Quake. It's still not a bad game, I'm just waiting for somebody to make a mod to limit the insane amount of respawns.

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#10 GodLovesDead
Member since 2007 • 9755 Posts

More like GTA: Africafetelth

I think it's closer to Quake than GTA in terms of simplicity (which he's talking about). GTA has minigames, car chases, and atleast some depth to it. Far Cry 2 has none.

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#11 bochero
Member since 2007 • 472 Posts

More like GTA: Africafetelth

More like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Africa

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#12 GodLovesDead
Member since 2007 • 9755 Posts
After some thought, this game really is a sequel to Far Cry. Really. They just took Far Cry and put it in Africa. Story wise it has nothing to do with Far Cry. But you drive around, you snipe, and you shoot. That's pretty much it. Exactly what you did in Far Cry.
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#14 -Unreal-
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I really wish more people would realise that typing sarcastic comments with deliberate spelling mistakes isn't funny.
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#15 fetelth
Member since 2008 • 130 Posts
After some thought, this game really is a sequel to Far Cry. Really. They just took Far Cry and put it in Africa. Story wise it has nothing to do with Far Cry. But you drive around, you snipe, and you shoot. That's pretty much it. Exactly what you did in Far Cry.GodLovesDead
Every FPS game is like that. FC2 is nothing like FC. In FC2 all you do is pick up missions that are either "kill that person ", "get this item" or "blow that up" over and over again that contribute nothing to the story. In FC1 it was alot more linear, which was actually a good thing, because every camp you cleared contributed to the main story and advanced it. Since it was more linear they (the missions and levels) were also designed with alot more thought.
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#16 nutcrackr
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Good job copying and pasting Destroy, but I think you missed the mark with this game, your opinion for sure and perfectly entitled. But for me, completely innaccurate
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#17 JP_Russell
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Seen one check point, seen them all.

True, I guess. Layout is often different, and some have snipers or varying numbers of trucks but yeah, a guardpost is a guardpost. I'm not really sure what's wrong with that, though. I mean... A guardpost is a guardpost.

Seen one area, next one looks the same.

I don't agree with that. I mean, the whole world map of course has the same African theme throughout of course, but the environments vary a lot.

Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.

Yeah, it's unfortunate the game doesn't take advantage of the depth that could be offered by factions and all. But there isn't even a question of whether the thugs up the road are UFLL or APR. They're just bad guys. Eeeeeverybody's a bad guy. Definitely one of the disappointing aspects of the game.

Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?

Yes, another area that could have been given depth that was just totally neglected. I mean, I actually do like going around and finding diamonds and everything, but I would certainly like to have a more deep incentive for exploration with all kinds of unexpected things to find. Oh well.

No leaning or prone.

This game does desperately need both. And it's very apparent to me that it originally had them. The importance of taking cover and popping out to shoot, the many fences and objects that could be used as cover but are too low to do so even when you're crouched. These things were no doubt removed when the game was adapted to consoles. The game isn't broken without them or anything, but they sure would come in handy.

Night time not dark at all.

Doesn't particularly bother me, but I would definitely prefer night time was at least a little darker (provided enemy soldiers' awareness in the dark was reduced accordingly).

No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)

I honestly would like to have a flashlight (it could like an LED light or something so you wouldn't have to worry about batteries) even at the current level of lighting at night time, as there have still been a couple times where something I was trying to look at was heavily shadowed and I couldn't make out what it was without getting closer. Actually, I'd like to see more than just flashlights; lighting systems in general would be neat things to incorporate into the game, different things you could buy with advantages and disadvantages over each other. Night vision, LED flashlight, lantern... stuff like that. Just another one of those aspects of depth that would make Far Cry 2 better, but they're just not there.

Jeep lights crappy.

I guess they're a little dim, and it would be neat if you could turn on your brights or something, but I wouldn't call them "crappy." They work well enough for me.

After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.

Hm. Not sure what you mean. I've had plenty of fights that played out differently from others. Maybe it's just how you play.

Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.

Egh, I think they're useful to an extent, but I agree, there needs to be more of them for the feature to be of considerable use.

Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.

Don't know if you know, but as your sickness level decreases, your maximum sprint time increases. I'm down to level 2 now, and I can sprint for a pretty fair distance I'd say, like a few hundred feet. Considering all the gear you're carrying, I think that sounds pretty fair. Anyway, it's enough for it to never be a problem, anyway, and your stamina builds up quickly between sprints.

There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?

They're all in hostile areas, though. I don't think I'd want to sleep somewhere I knew more soldiers would be sure to show up at, either.

Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)

Yeah, it would be cool :P, but I'm sure that'd be kind of difficult to implement to where it'd be consistently useful.

Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.

Not true, actually. I used to think so, too. But that's not the case; the assault truck just happens to be faster than every other vehicle (I've come across so far). If you look at the speedometer on it, you go up to something like 80-90 mph max, whereas all the others go up to like 60 tops. So if you use an assault truck, the enemy shouldn't be able to catch you, only keep up (and if you hear them get in their truck to come after you soon enough that they'll be close enough behind to keep coming after you, just switch to gunner position quickly and pump them full of lead when they come up the road after you).

Anyway, I don't use vehicles very much anymore like I did previously. I've found staying on foot at almost all times is much more fun and engaging, though I do get in vehicles sometimes when I know there's no trouble up ahead.

Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.

I wouldn't know, I'm a very careful player and I hardly ever die (if I do, I just reload). But yeah, the whole idea of getting rescued by buddies and such is pretty dumb to me.

You are attacked on sight every where you go

Yeah, the faction soldiers are all off their rockers. If a road patrol sees you, that's it, they're going to try to run you over. You could be chasing zebras with a machete like a madman, and it wouldn't matter. You're probably trying to catch the zebras and implant mind probes and put explosives in their stomachs so you can send them off to kill the soldiers, as far as they're concerned. It's really just lazy design and AI programming, that's all. There could have been factions to align with, faction wars to watch every now and then, car drivers that didn't all have road rage, etc. Oh well, still doesn't ruin anything for me.

Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass

Definitely. Enemy awareness in general needs to be re-worked. They can't see you when you're standing out in the open in broad daylight a few hundred feet away while you can easily take potshots at any one of them with a sniper rifle, but they can shoot at you quite accurately through many bushes and lots of tall grass once they're aware of your presence while you can't quite pinpoint where they're at.

25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance

I guess I agree with that, but only because driving around gets repetitive. Go a quarter mile, stop, take out road patrol, go a half mile, stop, take out guardpost, etc.

Like I said, I mostly go on foot now. Much better that way, as the act of traveling is so much more fun. The ambience and atmosphere of the environments and the music, the ability to avoid confrontations with guardposts, and trying to keep out of sight of road patrols is actually a lot of fun. In a vehicle, you just can't play by your own rules, but on foot everything is much more free-form. So I'd say it's the way the game is designed that doesn't flow well with the driving aspect that's faulty, and not necessarily travel time compared to mission time (although some missions with some more depth certainly wouldn't hurt).

Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving

I agree, that's one of the single biggest flaws in the game for me. And such artificial lengthening wouldn't be so bad if so many of the quests weren't dumb and repetitive, like...

...Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time

Yeah, and so are the radio tower missions (although I guess the varied circumstances to assassinating someone make up for that). More lack of depth that this game would be better for, to be sure.

No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points

I already addressed the part about vehicles, of course, but yeah, the stop-and-go routine while in a vehicle does kind of suck (and it sucks more and more the more you do it), which is the main reason I decided to stay on foot most of the time in the first place.

Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints

Definitely too many bottlenecks and linear mazes of roads and such in this game. Too many inaccessible outcrops of rocks and mountains. Too little ability to get to certain areas and to scale landmarks for an open-world game, I agree.

It's funny... I agree with most of your points, and I could easily come up with many other negative points right now if I wanted, and I'd be forgetting still other negative points I've noticed before if I did so... But I think this game is an excellent overall package, nonetheless, and I wouldn't call it "Quake with vehicles in Africa" by any stretch of the imagination.

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#18 Gamerkat
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[QUOTE="GodLovesDead"]After some thought, this game really is a sequel to Far Cry. Really. They just took Far Cry and put it in Africa. Story wise it has nothing to do with Far Cry. But you drive around, you snipe, and you shoot. That's pretty much it. Exactly what you did in Far Cry.fetelth
Every FPS game is like that. FC2 is nothing like FC. In FC2 all you do is pick up missions that are either "kill that person ", "get this item" or "blow that up" over and over again that contribute nothing to the story. In FC1 it was alot more linear, which was actually a good thing, because every camp you cleared contributed to the main story and advanced it. Since it was more linear they (the missions and levels) were also designed with alot more thought.

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#19 Cranler
Member since 2005 • 8809 Posts

[QUOTE="GodLovesDead"]After some thought, this game really is a sequel to Far Cry. Really. They just took Far Cry and put it in Africa. Story wise it has nothing to do with Far Cry. But you drive around, you snipe, and you shoot. That's pretty much it. Exactly what you did in Far Cry.fetelth
Every FPS game is like that. FC2 is nothing like FC. In FC2 all you do is pick up missions that are either "kill that person ", "get this item" or "blow that up" over and over again that contribute nothing to the story. In FC1 it was alot more linear, which was actually a good thing, because every camp you cleared contributed to the main story and advanced it. Since it was more linear they (the missions and levels) were also designed with alot more thought.


Crysis is the real FC 2.

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#20 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

Your crazy man, Farcry2 is NOTHING like Quake. This has got to be the most ridicolous thread ive ever seen in gamespot.

To me Farcry2 is a cross between SOMETHING very new, Crysis, Stalker and GTA.

This is the game of the year so far for me. Loving it!

Crysis and Farcry2 are the only real NEXT gen FPS imo.

Saying Farcry 2 is Shallow is like saying Jessica Belle is ugly.. its just not true imo.

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#21 GodLovesDead
Member since 2007 • 9755 Posts

[QUOTE="GodLovesDead"]After some thought, this game really is a sequel to Far Cry. Really. They just took Far Cry and put it in Africa. Story wise it has nothing to do with Far Cry. But you drive around, you snipe, and you shoot. That's pretty much it. Exactly what you did in Far Cry.fetelth
Every FPS game is like that. FC2 is nothing like FC. In FC2 all you do is pick up missions that are either "kill that person ", "get this item" or "blow that up" over and over again that contribute nothing to the story. In FC1 it was alot more linear, which was actually a good thing, because every camp you cleared contributed to the main story and advanced it. Since it was more linear they (the missions and levels) were also designed with alot more thought.

Yea, but in other games, you weren't sitting in bushes most of the time. 90% of my combat in Far Cry 2 so far has taken place where I'm in a bush, and same for Far Cry 2. It's just in Far Cry 2 they notice me so much more easier. True, there's mission, but they aren't exactly in depth, and in the end, it's just as shallow as the first Far Cry (except with more downtime.)

And I don't really know where I'm going with this.

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#22 Swiftstrike5
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Saying Farcry 2 is Shallow is like saying Jessica Belle is ugly.. its just not true imo.


Every mission, except the story driven ones, are the same, only on other sides of the map, so you have to travel through identical respawning checkpoints, with identical respawning enemies, with only a floating head and a assualt rifle that fires BB pellets at people who want to blast your head off because it would make the game "immersive?"

Wrapped it up in one poorly structured sentence. The same description would apply to the game though.

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#23 wizdom
Member since 2003 • 10111 Posts

Saying Farcry 2 is Shallow is like saying Jessica Belle is ugly.. its just not true imo.


I agree, some of you are just whinning just for attention overall..Far Cry 2 is nowhere near like Quake a mod should lock this topic..just for that silly comparasion alone.

Every mission, except the story driven ones, are the same, only on other sides of the map, so you have to travel through identical respawning checkpoints, with identical respawning enemies, with only a floating head and a assualt rifle that fires BB pellets at people who want to blast your head off because it would make the game "immersive?"

Wrapped it up in one poorly structured sentence. The same description would apply to the game though.

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#24 Baranga
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In FC2 all you do is pick up missions that are either "kill that person ", "get this item" or "blow that up" over and over again that contribute nothing to the story. fetelth

The story is told through missions. It's your story, and it's enjoyable. I'd pay to see a movie with my adventures in FC2.

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#25 Elann2008
Member since 2007 • 33028 Posts
Repetitiveness is Ubisoft's expertise. For some, it's a bad thing, while some others will find enjoyment in this game. It's a hate it or love it game, just like Assassin's Creed, I guess.
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#26 flclempire
Member since 2004 • 4914 Posts
Consolized, I knew it. Thats the reason I didn't preorder.
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#27 Qixote
Member since 2002 • 10843 Posts

Not during any second playing FC2 was I reminded of Quake.

Unfortunately, it does remind me somewhat of Assassins Creed. Being from the same developers I guess that is no big surprise. The main similarity is the repetition of the limited type of missions. Although it so far hasn't felt quite as repetitious as AC. I think they did a decent job masking the repetition with all the nifty features and simply having more options than AC had.

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#28 JeansForever
Member since 2008 • 317 Posts
here's a tip: when your driving, be ready to press the "C" button, (only if your in a assoult car) then you get into the mounted machingun and shoot them down, then carry on with your drivin
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#29 InternetFred
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omg whats this mean "pejorative"
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#30 raunaq_morarka
Member since 2004 • 88 Posts

I've got some opinions after playing 6+ hours....

This game is very shallow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it certainly does not make this a stand out product. Such a fantastic setting with excellent graphics and solid shooting mechanics held back by uninspired, simple gameplay.

It's a big world but it's duller than a fart; zero diversity seems to be this games forte.

  • Seen one check point, seen them all.
  • Seen one area, next one looks the same.
  • Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.
  • Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?
  • No leaning or prone.
  • Night time not dark at all.
  • No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)
  • Jeep lights crappy.
  • After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.
  • Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.
  • Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.
  • There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?
  • Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)
  • Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.
  • Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.
  • You are attacked on sight every where you go
  • Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass
  • 25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance
  • Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving
  • Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time
  • No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points
  • Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints

One thing this game does well is show how great and deep a game like Stalker is.VeryBumpy

I agree with everything except what does it have to do with quake?

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#31 Macutchi
Member since 2007 • 11217 Posts

I've got some opinions after playing 6+ hours....

This game is very shallow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it certainly does not make this a stand out product. Such a fantastic setting with excellent graphics and solid shooting mechanics held back by uninspired, simple gameplay.

It's a big world but it's duller than a fart; zero diversity seems to be this games forte.

  • Seen one check point, seen them all.
  • Seen one area, next one looks the same.
  • Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.
  • Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?
  • No leaning or prone.
  • Night time not dark at all.
  • No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)
  • Jeep lights crappy.
  • After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.
  • Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.
  • Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.
  • There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?
  • Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)
  • Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.
  • Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.
  • You are attacked on sight every where you go
  • Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass
  • 25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance
  • Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving
  • Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time
  • No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points
  • Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints

One thing this game does well is show how great and deep a game like Stalker is.VeryBumpy

ive only just started playing and already im bored. i can identify with a lot of your points already god i hope it gets better quickly ive been looking forward to this for months

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#32 F1_2004
Member since 2003 • 8009 Posts

I've got some opinions after playing 6+ hours....

This game is very shallow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it certainly does not make this a stand out product. Such a fantastic setting with excellent graphics and solid shooting mechanics held back by uninspired, simple gameplay.

It's a big world but it's duller than a fart; zero diversity seems to be this games forte.

  • Seen one check point, seen them all.
  • Seen one area, next one looks the same.
  • Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.
  • Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?
  • No leaning or prone.
  • Night time not dark at all.
  • No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)
  • Jeep lights crappy.
  • After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.
  • Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.
  • Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.
  • There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?
  • Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)
  • Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.
  • Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.
  • You are attacked on sight every where you go
  • Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass
  • 25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance
  • Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving
  • Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time
  • No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points
  • Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints

One thing this game does well is show how great and deep a game like Stalker is.VeryBumpy

OK this definitely stinks of console. No prone? No leaning? No flashlights? Crap AI that has telescopic vision? You're kidding me. This is like two steps back, all the way to Far Cry 1, and even that one had prone.

By the way, I wouldn't really fault this game for having all those chokepoints and "fake" freedom. This has always been a trademark of the Farcry/Crysis games - they're not free roaming GTA-in-the-jungle games, they're simply corridor shooters with very wide and well-concealed corridors.

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#33 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

Saying Farcry 2 is Shallow is like saying Jessica Belle is ugly.. its just not true imo.


Every mission, except the story driven ones, are the same, only on other sides of the map, so you have to travel through identical respawning checkpoints, with identical respawning enemies, with only a floating head and a assualt rifle that fires BB pellets at people who want to blast your head off because it would make the game "immersive?"

Wrapped it up in one poorly structured sentence. The same description would apply to the game though.

I own all the quake games and none of them remind me of farcry2 in any way what so ever. Just my opinion though.

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#34 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

Repetitiveness is Ubisoft's expertise. For some, it's a bad thing, while some others will find enjoyment in this game. It's a hate it or love it game, just like Assassin's Creed, I guess.Elann2008

Thats wierd because i hate AC and am loving FC2 alot.

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#35 kalossimitar
Member since 2005 • 613 Posts
its a great engine with great graphics, thats all. Everyone with their points is right, really a freakin lot of flaws in that game.
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#36 EvanescenceUK
Member since 2007 • 49 Posts

I've got some opinions after playing 6+ hours....

This game is very shallow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it certainly does not make this a stand out product. Such a fantastic setting with excellent graphics and solid shooting mechanics held back by uninspired, simple gameplay.

It's a big world but it's duller than a fart; zero diversity seems to be this games forte.

  • Seen one check point, seen them all.
  • Seen one area, next one looks the same.
  • Seen one enemy, the rest are the same.
  • Seen one diamond case, seen them all; no cool, interesting treasures to find. Gets really boring roaming around trying to find a stupid diamond briefcases just so I can upgrade or buy items. How about finding an Upgrade book or something once and a while. Or money on bodies?
  • No leaning or prone.
  • Night time not dark at all.
  • No flash light (guess above fixed flashlight problem)
  • Jeep lights crappy.
  • After a couple firefights, you know exactly what to expect cause it's exactly the same the next time.
  • Bus stops way too few and far between to be useful.
  • Gotta hoof it a lot and you can't sprint for long at all nor is there a toggle walk.
  • There are beds and couches all over but you cant sleep in them?
  • Can't climb trees (ok this is a stretch but would be cool)
  • Enemy vehicles always faster than yours.
  • Respawn gets old and is so rinse and repeat.
  • You are attacked on sight every where you go
  • Enemy can see and shoot too well through bushes and grass
  • 25 min of driving for 5 min mission battles is way off balance
  • Only can do 1 mission at a time forcing even more back and forth driving
  • Weapons guy missions are exactly the same every time
  • No matter what, the enemies vehicles will always be faster than yours forcing you to stop and fight at check points
  • Open world is not truely so open, lots of unclimbable ridges or hills funnel you through checkpoints

One thing this game does well is show how great and deep a game like Stalker is.VeryBumpy

I agree with all your points except it feels more like a poor attempt at a Stalker: Clear Sky clone than Quake.

It always baffles me in cases like this how the devs and testers play their games and not see the blatently obvious problems such as the really annoying amount of check points in FC2. Either that or they do know about the problems but are in too much of a rush to get the money rolling in that they just don't bother to fix the issues, which doesn't make sense to me because the better the game is, the more money they will get in in the long run.

I'm really disappointed with it, they made it look so good and a lot more open world in their promotional videos.

Oh, and I preordered the game from HMV to get the 4 bonus missions but I can't access them. On a sticker on the packaging it says to go into the menu, select Exclusive Content then Partner Missions then type in the code. But there are no options in the menu called Exclusive Content or Partner Missions. There is an option called Promotional Content and I tried typing the code in there but it just keeps saying invalid password.