I'm sure all of you by now have noticed Gamespot's article regarding Monolith's sequel to F.E.A.R needing a name? If not, check http://www.gamespot.com/news/6172033.html?tag=latestnews;title;2
In a nut shell, Monolith can not call it F.E.A.R 2 as they don't own the IP, so they asked the gamers to name it:)
I have read some of the suggestions on the official site (www.nameyourfear.com) and some of them are scary (in a funny way - ment as a joke... I hope!). So here's my request... what should the sequel NOT be called?
My first suggestion is E.A.R. Makes no sence? Well, my brother bought the collectors edition of F.E.A.R when it was released and he got a large F.E.A.R t-shirt with it... that didn't fit him (he is a big man, lifts weights and stuff) so he gave it to me. I have worn the shirt out to the point that the F. has dissapeared and the shirt now says E.A.R instead:)
Other sugestions anyone? I'll post some more as I think of it...
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