I'm one of the 7 people who never got sucked into Diablo, but I've been in a retro mood lately and I'm wondering whether I should pick up the battlechest and give it a try. I'm not much of an action RPG-er, but so many people so highly of the Diablo series, I can't help wondering whether I'm missing something.
Right now I'm playing through and loving up The Witcher. I usually prefer RPGs on the deeper, plot-driven side (as opposed to action): NWN 1 and 2 (expansions more than original campaigns in both cases), BGII, PS:T, Morrowind, KOTOR 1 and 2.
I was bored to blubbering tears by Dungeon Siege and Oblivion. Sacred was okay when I had nothing better to play, but I didn't finish it.
I don't care about state-of-the-art anything, but a halfway-decent plot is important to me. With the above reactions in mind, what do you think?
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