According to steam I have been playing it for 94 hours, although that is slightly inaccurate as I haven't been "playing" it for that long. Usually once I start a game up I leave it running all day (alt tab out to do other stuff).
I am enjoying Fallout NV but I would say not as much as I enjoyed Fallout 3, the story just doesn't feel "epic" and I just can't find myself caring about the characters in the game as opposed to F3.
Wow, I feel the exact opposite, Fallout3 I was bored ot death (felt like i was forcing myself to play), characters where not interesting, story was bad, rpg elements where not well done and the dialogue was laughable.
Only thing I liked more in Fallout3 was the radio stations where better.
What did you like in the story more for Fallout3? I am curious.
i enjoyed FO3 main story more too , it was way better , it was more personal , emotional ... it was way better in general . but in overall i like NV more , open wastes > metro stations and city ruins ...Wierd, i would give Fallout3's story a 5/10 and New Vegas story a 9/10.
Oh well, we all have our personal opinions :P
The writing of the story and dialogue seems way better in New Vegas to me, its actually interesting and well written, something we dont get very often in videogames. Some of the dialogue is movie or book quality imo.
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